Debit card issuance

Initiate a card

  1. Make a call to /card/initiate
    1. Physical card
      1. Set isCreateDualIssuanceSinglePAN to false and isPhysicalCardOrderedto true
    2. Digital with a physical card
      1. Set isCreateDualIssuanceSinglePAN to true and isPhysicalCardOrderedto true
    3. Digital without a physical card
      1. Set isCreateDualIssuanceSinglePAN to true and isPhysicalCardOrderedto false



Card Status

For physical card - status values will update as follows: Initiated, thenPending and thenPendingVerification

For digital card with a physical card - status values will update as follows: DigitalActivePhysicalInitiatedand thenDigitalActivePhysicalPending

For digital without a physical card - status value will update as follows: Verified

See card.status for more details

  1. For a customer to set the PIN, make a call to /card/resetPin



For Visa DPS programs only. PIN resets are initiated in real-time and are confirmed by Visa DPS which generates a realtime event with userEventTypeId=10020. The PIN reset is in a pending state until this event is generated.

For Shazam programs only. PIN resets are file-based processing and can take up to 24 hours to complete.

  1. If dualIssuanceSinglePan is true in Step 1, Helix activates for card for eCommerce purchases and the customer can provision to a wallet.
    1. Speak to your CSM or Implementations Specialist for more information on Push Provisioning
  2. If orderPhysicalCard was set to “true” in step 1, allow time for the card to be mailed to the customer.
    If true, proceed to step 5. If false, physical card can be issued at a later date using the Issue a physical card section.
  3. Once the physical card has been received, the customer must activate the card in Helix using /card/verify
    1. If the information in step 5 is correct, the card is now in a Verified status and available for use at the program's preset limits.



If the information in step 5 could not be verified, the customer can attempt two more times (three attempts total) to verify the information before the card verification process is locked due to the card status change to Denied. This requires the customer to contact client's support center for review and a reset of the card verify step 5.

Issue a physical card

  1. Make a call to /card/orderPhysical

Create a Virtual card

  1. Make a call to /card/createDigital
  2. Helix activates for card for eCommerce purchases
  3. For customer wallet provisioning, make a call via the Helix API to one of the following endpoints to provision a debit card to a respective wallet:
    1. Speak to your CSM or Implementations Specialist for more information on Push Provisioning and Pan Display opportunities