Posted Transaction File

A summary of all transactions which have posted for a given day.


This is a master file

This is the master transaction file. All transactions which posted in a given day will appear in this file. For certain transaction types, there are additional data points that are not included in this file. To get the additional data points you can match the TransactionId found in this file with the same TransactionId in the extension files. For additional card transaction data, see the Card Transaction File. For additional ACH transaction data, see the ACH Transaction File

Posted Transaction File Definition

The Posted Transaction File is created by Helix on a daily basis. It has the following properties:

  1. Fixed-length
  2. ANSI encoded
  3. Line endings are Windows-style CarriageReturn + LineFeed (\r\n, or 0x0D0A)
  4. File will be available in the relative directory of /PostedTransaction
  5. File name follows a specific, case-sensitive pattern of: yyyyMMddhhmm_POSTEDTRANSACTION.TXT


Format Disclaimer
Helix reserves the right to append new field(s) to the end of any Header or Content line without notice. This is to allow new data points to be added as needed in a timely fashion.

Implementation Note
Your code should be written such that unexpected characters after the "last" field but prior to the end of each line should be ignored. That is, if the file is documented as being 872 bytes per line, receiving a file with 984 bytes per line should not disrupt your processing. This applies to both Header and Content lines.

File Name Disclaimer
The date in file name should be used as a guideline for human eyes only. Any date-related programmatic dependencies should rely on the FileCreatedDate or FileEffectiveDate contained within the header line of each file, as these will be precise to the second and will be in the appropriate timezone.

Header Row

PropertyData Type (Length)AlignmentStart PositionDescription
Record Typestring (1)Left1The flag for the header row. Will always be H.
File Namestring (50)Left2The name of this request file excluding path.
Example: 201410210215_POSTEDTRANSACTION.TXT
Record Countinteger (10)Right52The number of records represented within the file. This field is zero-padded on the left side.
Example: 0000000872
File Created Datedatetime (34)Left62The date the file was created. Follows same format as API.
Example: 2014-10-20T10:30:31.456-05:00
See data format guidelines
File Effective Datedatetime (34)Left96The date to which the data in the file pertains. Follows same format as API.
Example: 2014-10-20T23:59:59.999-05:00
See data format guidelines

Content Row

PropertyData Type (Length)AlignmentStart PositionDescription
Customer IDinteger (10)Right1The Helix-assigned unique identifier for a customer. This field is zero-padded on the left side.
Example: 0000000872
Customer Tagstring (50)Left11The client-supplied unique identifier for the customer, aka the tag property on the customer object. This may be empty as it is an optional property.
Account IDinteger (10)Right61Deprecated; use DebitAccountId and CreditAccountId instead.
Account Tagstring (50)Left71Deprecated; use DebitAccountId and CreditAccountId in conjunction with the Account Balance File and External Account File
AccountNamestring (50)Left121Deprecated; use DebitAccountId and CreditAccountId in conjunction with the Account Balance File and External Account File
Transaction IDlong integer (19)Right171The unique identifier for the transaction. This field is zero-padded on the left side.
Example: 0000000000008309285
Transaction Tagstring (50)Left190The client-supplied unique identifier for the transaction. See transaction object definition for details.
Transaction Type Codestring (6)Left240The typeCode of the transaction object.
Transaction Amountinteger (10)Right246The amount of funds that was transferred. This field is zero-padded on the left side and two decimals will be assumed, e.g., 000000000000832 represents an amount of $8.32.
Actionstring (1)Left256Will be C if the Helix account is being credited, D if debited.
Transaction Descriptionstring (255)Left257The Helix-generated description for this transaction.
Nacha Descriptionstring (255)Left512The NACHA-supplied description for this transaction.
Created Datedatetime (34)Left767The date the transaction was created. Follows same format as API.
Example: 2014-10-20T10:30:31.456-05:00
See data format guidelines
Settled Datedatetime (34)Left801The date the transaction was settled / is projected to settle. Follows same format as API.
Example: 2014-10-20T10:30:31.456-05:00
See data format guidelines
Available Datedatetime (34)Left835The date the transaction was made available / is projected to be made available. Follows same format as API.
Example: 2014-10-20T10:30:31.456-05:00
See data format guidelines
Master IDlong integer (19)Right869A Helix-generated key that groups related transactions together. If a transaction directly relates to one or more other transactions, they will all have the same value for the masterId property.
Return Codestring (3)Left888The ACH return code associated with the transaction, e.g., R01, R10 etc.
Fee Codestring (3)Left891The fee code the transaction represents. See the feeCode property on the transaction object definition for possible values.
ExternalAccountIdinteger (10)Right894Deprecated; use DebitAccountId and CreditAccountId instead.
Returned Transaction IDlong integer (19)Right904The unique identifier of the transaction on which an ACH return was performed. i.e. This line item's transaction is returning another transaction, and this property specifies exactly which transactionId that is. Note the MasterId value should match for both this line item and the one represented by ReturnedTransactionId. Also, these will typically not appear in the same file, as returns of ACH transactions tend to happen days apart.
DebitdAccount IDstring (10)Right923The unique identifier for the account from which funds will be withdrawn. This field is zero-padded on the left side.
Example: 0008309285
This is NOT an account number. It is the accountId of an account or an externalAccountId of an externalAccount object.
Credit Account IDstring (10)Right933The unique identifier for the account to which funds will be credited. This field is zero-padded on the left side.
Example: 0008309285
This is NOT an account number. It is the accountId of an account or an externalAccountId of an externalAccount object.
Product IDinteger (10)Right943The unique identifier of the product of which the account the transaction posted against is associated.
SEC Codestring (3)Left953The ACH Standard Entry Class (SEC) Code associated with the transaction (e.g., CCD).
Cardholder Customer IDinteger (10)Right956Identifies the business customer performing card transactions on a business account with multiple cardholders

{ "file_type": "fixed_length" }