
InitiatedNew card object was created via /card/initiate but the request to generate the physical card has not yet been sent to card provider for processing.
PendingRequest for the physical card has not yet been sent to card provider for processing.
PendingVerificationPhysical card is being produced and mailed to the customer or the customer has received it already and has yet to verify they received the card.
VerifiedCustomer has received the physical card and called /card/verify successfully. Card can be used to perform transactions.
DeniedNew physical card request was denied
ExpiredCard has reached the expiration date and is no longer active.
ArchivedCard can no longer be used. It may or may not have been verified prior to archival.
ReissuedA replacement card has been requested. This card may or may not still be usable, it depends on the parameters passed to /card/reissue.
HotListedCard and PAN can never be used again. PAN has been permanently marked as "hot".
ReissuedPendingVerificationAn existing card has been reissued with the same PAN. New physical card is being produced and mailed to the customer, or the customer has received it already and has yet to verify they received the card.
AutoReissueInitiatedNew card object was automatically created with the same PAN for an expiring card but the request to generate the physical card has not yet been sent to card provider for processing. Once sent to card provider the card status will be modified to AutoReissuedPendingVerification
AutoReissuedPendingVerificationAn expiring card has automatically been reissued with the same PAN. New physical card is being produced and mailed to the customer, or the customer has received it already and has yet to verify they received the card.
DigitalActivePhysicalInitiatedThe digital card can be used through digital wallets, however, a request to generate a physical card has not been sent to card provider for processing.
DigitalActivePhysicalPendingThe physical card is either being produced and mailed to the customer or the customer has received it and has not verified receiving the card.
ReissuedStagedAssigned to the new card object created during renewal process when a renewal card is locked. This status is used to manage the card's temporary unlock and relock at DPS. Once processing is complete the card status will be modified to AutoReissueInitiated.