Customer Document

A customer document is a document uploaded by the customer to help prove their identity. Examples include an image (or pdf) of a driver's license, a passport, or some other government-issued ID.

customerDocument Object

PropertyData Type (length)Description
customField1string (50)A property for holding client-defined data. There is no business logic in Helix for a custom field.
customField2string (50)A property for holding client-defined data. There is no business logic in Helix for a custom field.
customField3string (50)A property for holding client-defined data. There is no business logic in Helix for a custom field.
customField4string (50)A property for holding client-defined data. There is no business logic in Helix for a custom field.
customField5string (50)A property for holding client-defined data. There is no business logic in Helix for a custom field.
customerIdintegerThe Helix-assigned unique ID for the customer who uploaded the document.
documentContentstring (10 MB)A base64-encoded representation of the actual content of the document.
NOTE: Applicable only when calling the /customerDocument/upload route.
This property will not be returned by any route. Use RFC 4648-compliant
encoding (i.e. no embedded line breaks and = as the padding character).
See RFC 4648 for more information.
documentIdintegerThe Helix-assigned unique ID of the document.
documentNamestring (50)A caller-specified, user-friendly name for this document. Must have
one of the following extensions:
- .jpg
- .jpeg
- .gif
- .png
- .pdf
- .heic(please note that.heicfiles will be converted to.jpeg before we store them in helix)
documentTypeenumThe type of document. Possible values:
- DriversLicense
- UtilityBill
- BankStatement
- NameChangeAffidavit
- WrittenStatementOfUnauthorizedDebit
- Unspecified
- VerificationSummary
- DisputeDocumentation
- HoldNotice
- DriversLicenseBack
- PassportFront
- PassportBack
- UnspecifiedIdCardFront
- UnspecifiedIdCardBack
- SelfPortrait
- DBAStatementOfFiling*
- FictitiousBusinessName*
- BusinessLicenseShowingCurrent*
- AttestationDocument*
- CertificateOfPartnership*
- PartnershipAgreement*
- ProofOfAddress*
- ArticlesOfOrganization*
- CertificateOfFormation*
- CertificateOfOrganization*
- SecretaryOfStateRegistration*
- ProofOfGoodStanding*
- CorporateAuthorization*
- EINLetter*
- ArticlesOfIncorporation*
- Charter*
- TrustDocuments*
- CurrentSecretaryOfStateRegistration*
- CourtDocuments*
- TrustCertificate*
- BirthCertificate**
- SocialSecurityCardFront**
- SocialSecurityCardBack**
- SchoolIDFront**
- SchoolIDBack**

*Values are only used for business customers
**Values are only used for minor customers
reasonTypeenumThe reason for uploading the document. Possible values:
- NameChange
- AddressChange
- RequestForNewExternalAccount
- Unspecified
- ManualReview
- ReturnOnTransaction
- VerificationSummary
- DisputeDocumentation
- HoldPlaced
- AutomatedReview
- Remediation Document
tagstring (50)A caller-specified unique identifier for this document.