Create a digital card

Create a new card in Verified status that is instantly available for use in mobile wallets. Cards created through this endpoint will have isDigitalOnly property set to true whenever retrieved via the /card/get or /card/list endpoints. This type of card will not have a physical card shipped to the customer. See card object definition for parameter details.

Error Codes

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CodeMessage (en-US)Notes
1-60000Any "Common Error Code" may occur.See Common Error Codes
63502Requesting customer does not have 'FULL' access to account id ’42031914'.
150201TypeCode {0} is not valid. Must be "DBT" or "CDT".
150202VendorTypeCode {0} is not valid. Must be "VS" or "MC".
150203NameOnCard is a required field.
150204Tag {0} is already associated with another card.
150205Invalid Card Holder CustomerId {0}.
150206Assigned Customer {0} status is '{1}'. Must be 'Initiated', 'Manual Review', or 'Verified'.
150207Assigned Customer {0} access type is '{1}'. Must be 'FULL', 'ACCT', or 'CARD'.
150208Invalid Primary AccountId {0}.
150209Primary AccountId {0} is in invalid status of {1}. Must be Open or PendingOpen.
150210Primary AccountId {0} must be a Checking or Savings account.
150211Insufficient access type {0} for CustomerId {1} to Primary AccountId {2} to add a card. FULL is required.
150212A Primary Account must be specified.
150213Both FirstName and LastName are required.
150230Another card for CustomerId {0} is using NickName of {1}. NickName must be unique.
150231The primary customer {0} must have its Mobile or Home phone specified prior to creating a card.
150232The primary customer {0} must have its Mailing or Residence address specified prior to creating a card.
150233The primary customer {0} must have a Residence address specified prior to creating a digital card
150240FirstName ({0}) contains invalid characters. Refer to API documentation for valid characters.For programs using Shazam
150241MiddleName ({0}) contains invalid characters. Refer to API documentation for valid characters.For programs using Shazam
150242LastName ({0}) contains invalid characters. Refer to API documentation for valid characters.For programs using Shazam
150243Card Bin {0} is not valid.
150244Program id {0} requires BankBinId to be specified.
150245Program id {0} does not have a valid bin set up.
150246FirstName ({0}) contains invalid characters. Refer to API documentation for valid characters.For programs using Visa DPS
150247MiddleName ({0}) contains invalid characters. Refer to API documentation for valid characters.For programs using Visa DPS
150248LastName ({0}) contains invalid characters. Refer to API documentation for valid characters.For programs using Visa DPS
155518DPS Validation Response: ({0}). For programs using Visa DPS

Example validation responses:

- US zip code must be a valid zip code format
- Card Qualifier must be a valid value for the institution
- US Social Security Number is invalid
158701Digital Card Program setting is not enabled.
158702QualifierCode value of empty string is not a valid value.
158703Dual Issuance Single Pan Program setting is not enabled.
158704Creating Digital Card only is not allowed when Dual Issuance Single Pan Program setting is enabled.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!