Transaction Types

Helix creates transactions of several different types. Each has a specific meaning and implications to funds availability, settlement time, etc. Types are denoted by a set of two tuples. A tuple can denote a source (or destination), an action, or a behavior. Actions are always in relation to the Customer Account. So a DEP tuple represents the action of depositing into a Customer Account.

For example, a RSVDEP is a deposit into a Customer Account from a Program Reserve Account.

Naming Conventions

Debit Card Specific

Starts with ATHA debit card based authorization transaction
Starts with CRDA debit card based transaction
Starts with REVA debit card based reversal transaction

ACH Specific

Contains UNKAffects an "Unknown" External Account, typically means an ACH transaction with
Helix acting as the RDFI (Receiving Depository Financial Institution), was
received from the ACH network as the source account is not provided.
Starts with RTNA return of a previous ACH transaction against a Customer Account

Customer Accounts

Starts with CPTransaction Originated from Helix, typically from processing an API request
or Bulk Transfer Import file
Ends with DEPA deposit to a Customer Account
Ends with WTHA withdrawal from a Customer Account
Ends with XFRA transfer from one Customer Account to another owned by that same Customer

Fee Specific

PRGFEEFee withdrawal from Customer Account to a Program Account
PRGFRVFee reversal from a Program Account to a Customer Account
PXTFEEFee withdrawal from Customer Account to a Program External Account
PXTFRVFee reversal from a Program External Account to a Customer Account
FEEDBTFee withdrawal from Customer Account to a Named Business Account
FEECRDFee reversal from a Named Business Account to a Customer Account

Program Accounts

Contains BNKAffects a Bank Income Account
Contains CSHAffects the Petty Cash Account
Contains INTAffects an Interest Accrual or Interest Expense Account
Contains MSCAffects a Miscellaneous Account
Contains PCLAffects a Program Clearing Account
Contains PXTAffects a Program External Account
Contains RCLAffects a Return Clearing Account
Contains RTLAffects a Retail Clearing Account
Contains RETAffects a Return Clearing Account
Contains RSVAffects a Program Reserve Account
Contains STLAffects a Card Settlement Account
Contains VERAffects a Verification Funds Account

Real Time Payment Specific

ATHRTWRTP Withdrawal Authorization
RTPWTHRTP Withdrawal
RTPWRVRTP Withdrawal Reversal

Timeline Guide

Each type of transaction can have its own settlement timeline. However, these are the general groupings:

  • ACH Transactions - If Helix is the ODFI (Originating Depository Financial Institution) for the transaction, it will settle in 2 business days for all ACH transactions unless same-day settlement is specified in the request to /transfer/create. There is an additional fee per transaction but it will settle the same day if it is received by the bank-defined cutoff time.
  • Internal Transfers - Always settle instantly, whether moving funds from a Customer Account or one of the various Program Accounts.
  • Debit Card Authorizations - Typically a settlement date a day or two in the future is specified in the ISO message by the network provider. If none is provided, an industry-standard default of 72 hours is assumed.
  • Debit Card Transactions - Typically settles instantly, unless a settlement date is specified in the ISO message by the network provider.
  • Debit Card Reversals - Always settles instantly.

Type Detail

Code (transaction.typeCode)Description (transaction.type)Possible Source(s)DebitsCreditsSettlementNote
ACHDEPACH Originated Helix DepositHelix APIAccount at another financial institutionCustomer AccountACH (1-2 business days)Deposit to a Customer Account from an account at another financial institution originated via the Helix /achOrigination/create endpoint
ACHWTHACH Originated Helix WithdrawalHelix APICustomer AccountAccount at another financial institutionACH (1-2 business days)Withdrawal from a Customer Account to an account at another financial institution originated via the Helix /achOrigination/create endpoint
ATH3PFCard 3rd Party Payment From AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)N/ATemporarily credits funds to a Helix accountDepends on message received; default is 72 hours
ATH3PTCard 3rd Party Payment To AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Temporarily holds funds on a Helix accountN/ADepends on message received; default is 72 hours
ATHAFDCard Automated Fuel Dispenser AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Temporarily holds funds on a Helix accountN/ADepends on message received; default is 72 hours
ATHBCKCard Cashback From Deposit AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Temporarily holds funds on a Helix accountN/ADepends on message received; default is 72 hours
ATHBLPCard Billpay AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Temporarily holds funds on a Helix accountN/ADepends on message received; default is 72 hours
ATHCDTCard Credit Adjustment AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use))deprecated
ATHCFDCard Consumer Funds Disbursement AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)N/ATemporarily credits funds to a Helix accountDepends on message received; default is 72 hours
ATHCKDCard Check Deposit AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)N/ATemporarily credits funds to a Helix accountDepends on message received; default is 72 hours
ATHCSDCard Cash Deposit AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)N/ATemporarily credits funds to a Helix accountDepends on message received; default is 72 hours
ATHCSHCard Cash Withdrawal AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Temporarily holds funds on a Helix accountN/ADepends on message received; default is 72 hoursTransaction no longer appears after hold is released (i.e. after this authorization transaction settles)
ATHDBTCard Debit Adjustment AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Temporarily holds funds on a Helix accountN/ADepends on message received; default is 72 hoursTransaction no longer appears after hold is released (i.e. after this authorization transaction settles)
ATHDEPCard Deposit AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)deprecated
ATHFEECard Fee Collection Deposit AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Temporarily holds funds on a Helix accountN/ADepends on message received; default is 72 hours
ATHFTCCard Funds Transfer Credit AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)deprecated
ATHFTDPeer-to-Peer Funds Transfer Debit AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Temporarily holds funds on a Helix accountN/ADepends on message received; default is 72 hoursTransaction no longer appears after hold is released (i.e. after this authorization transaction settles)
ATHMTFCard Money Transfer From AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Temporarily holds funds on a Helix accountN/ADepends on message received; default is 72 hours
ATHMTTCard Money Transfer To AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)N/ATemporarily credits funds to a Helix accountDepends on message received; default is 72 hours
ATHPCHCard Purchase AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Temporarily holds funds on a Helix accountN/ADepends on message received; default is 72 hoursTransaction no longer appears after hold is released (i.e. after this authorization transaction settles)
ATHPENCard Payment Enclosed AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Temporarily holds funds on a Helix accountN/ADepends on message received; default is 72 hours
ATHPOBCard Point Of Business Deposit AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)deprecated
ATHQUACard Quasi-Cash or Scrip AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Temporarily holds funds on a Helix accountN/ADepends on message received; default is 72 hours
ATHRTNCard Merchandise Return AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)deprecated>
ATHTRVCard Travelers Check AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Temporarily holds funds on a Helix accountN/ADepends on message received; default is 72 hours
ATHXFRCard Transfer Funds AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)deprecated
ATHXPYCard Transfer Payment AuthorizationISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Temporarily holds funds on a Helix accountN/ADepends on message received; default is 72 hours
BACKWHBackup WithholdingInterest ProcessingCustomer AccountBackup Withholding AccountInstantApplicable only on interest-bearing accounts whose customer has isSubjectToBackupWithholding set to true
BCKADJBackup Withholding AdjustmentInterest Processing or Admin ConsoleBackup Withholding AccountCustomer AccountInstantUsed only in a very rare circumstance when funds must be moved back into a Customer Account from Backup Withholding. Applicable only on interest-bearing accounts whose customer has isSubjectToBackupWithholding set to true
BNKDEPBank Income to InternalHelix API or Admin ConsoleBank Income AccountCustomer AccountInstantTypically related to fees gathered by the financial institution
BNKWTHInternal to BankIncomeHelix API or Admin ConsoleCustomer AccountBank Income AccountInstantTypically related to fees gathered by the financial institution
BVRDEPVerification DepositHelix API or Admin ConsoleBusiness account at another financial institutionVerification Funds AccountACH (1-2 business days)Deposit of verification funds to the Verification Funds account from an external business checking or business savings account. (aka micro-transactions for verifying an external account). This is an ACH transaction that "pulled" funds in from the ACH network.
BVRWTHVerification WithdrawalHelix API or Admin ConsoleVerification Funds AccountBusiness account at another financial institutionACH (1-2 business days)Withdrawal of verification funds from the Verification Funds account out to an external business checking or business savings account. (aka micro-transactions for verifying an external account). This is an ACH transaction that "pushed" funds out to the ACH network.
BWRDEPBusiness Wire DepositWire ProcessingAccount at another financial institutionCustomer AccountInstant
BWRWIDBusiness Wire WithdrawalWire ProcessingCustomer AccountAccount at another financial institutionInstant
CHKATHCheck Deposit AuthorizationMobile Remote Check DepositN/ATemporarily credits funds to a Helix accountDepends on bank approval processCheck Deposit made via MRDC, pending bank approval in ensenta EZ Admin
CHKDDNCheck Deposit Adjusted DownEnsenta EZ AdminAccount at another financial institutionHelix AccountNext business day (unless a hold is placed on the check)Manual adjustment by bank in the Ensenta EZ Admin to a MRDC transaction due to the amount entered by the customer or read by the system being greater than the amount of the check
CHKDEPCheck Deposit No AdjustmentMobile Remote Check DepositAccount at another financial institutionHelix AccountNext business day (unless a hold is placed on the check)
CHKDRTCheck Deposit ReturnX.937 Return File, Federal ReserveHelix AccountProgram / Fed Clearing AccountInstantAnother financial institution is initiating the return of a check previously deposited into a Helix Account via Mobile Remote Deposit Capture
CHKDUPCheck Deposit Adjusted UpEnsenta EZ AdminAccount at another financial institutionHelix AccountNext business day (unless a hold is placed on the check)Manual adjustment by bank in the Ensenta EZ Admin to a MRDC transaction due to the amount entered by the customer or system being less than the amount of the check.
CHKIPSCheck Internal To Program SuspenseAdmin ConsoleCustomer AccountProgram Suspense AccountInstant
CHKPSICheck Program Suspense to InternalAdmin ConsoleProgram Suspense AccountCustomer AccountInstant
CHKPSUCheck Program Suspense to Unknown ExternalCheck File ProcessingProgram Suspense AccountAn account at another financial institutionInstant
CHKRDNCheck Deposit Reversal Adjusted DownEnsenta EZ AdminHelix AccountAccount at another financial institutionInstantReversal of an MRDC transaction (before the cut-off time) that had been approved by the Bank of Record and the amount adjusted down
CHKRETCheck ReturnX.937 Return File, Federal ReserveHelix AccountAccount at another financial institutionInstantThe return of a previously deposited MRDC transaction by another financial institution.
CHKRUPCheck Deposit Reversal Adjusted UpEnsenta EZ AdminHelix AccountAccount at another financial institutionNext business day (unless a hold is placed on the check)Reversal of a MRDC transaction (before the file cut-off time) that had been approved by the Bank of Record and the amount adjusted up
`CHKUPSCheck Unknown External to Program SuspenseAdmin Console, Check File ProcessingAn account at another financial institutionProgram Suspense AccountIns
CHKWATCheck Withdrawal AuthorizationCheck written from Helix accountTemporarily holds funds on a Helix accountN/AVariesA check written from a Helix account has been presented for payment at another financial institution
CHKWIDCheck WithdrawalCheck written from Helix accountHelix AccountAccount at another financial institutionVariesCheck written from Helix Account
CPBDEPHelix DepositHelix API, Bulk Transfer File, or Admin ConsoleBusiness Account owned by the customer at another financial institutionCustomer AccountACH (1-2 business days)Deposit to a Customer Account from an External Business Checking or External Business Savings account originated via Helix. Any Customer Account whose type is NOT Prepaid results in an ACH transaction.
CPBWTH Helix WithdrawalHelix API, Bulk Transfer File, or Admin ConsoleCustomer AccountBusiness account owned by the customer at another financial institutionACH (1-2 business days)Withdrawal from a Customer Account to an External Business Checking or External Business Savings account originated via Helix. Any Customer Account whose type is NOT Prepaid results in an ACH transaction.
CPDEPHelix DepositHelix API, Bulk Transfer File, or Admin ConsoleConsumer account owned by the customer at another financial institutionCustomer AccountACH (1-2 business days)Deposit to a Customer Account from a Consumer account originated via Helix. Any Customer Account whose type is NOT Prepaid results in an ACH transaction.
CPHOLDAccount HoldHelix API (/account/placeHold)Customer AccountN/AN/AIndefinite hold on funds until /account/releaseHold is called.
CPWTHHelix WithdrawalHelix API, Bulk Transfer File, or Admin ConsoleCustomer AccountConsumer account owned by the customer at another financial institutionACH (1-2 business days)Withdrawal from a Customer Account to an External Consumer Account originated via Helix. Any Customer Account whose type is NOT Prepaid results in an ACH transaction.
CPXFRInternal Helix TransferHelix API or Admin ConsoleCustomer AccountCustomer Account (same customer, different account)Instant
CRD3PFCard 3rd Party Payment FromISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instant.
CRD3PTCard 3rd Party Payment ToISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instant.
CRDAFDCard Automated Fuel DispenserISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instant.Will automatically and instantly settle any corresponding ATHAFD authorization transaction, if any
CRDBCKCard Cashback From DepositISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instant.
CRDBLPCard BillpayISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instant.Will automatically and instantly settle any corresponding ATHBLP authorization transaction, if any
CRDCDTCard Credit AdjustmentISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instant.
CRDCFDCard Consumer Funds DisbursementISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instant.
CRDCKDCard Check DepositISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instant.
CRDCSDCard Cash DepositISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instant.
CRDCSHCard ATM Cash WithdrawalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instant.Will automatically and instantly settle any corresponding ATHCSH authorization transaction, if any
CRDDBTCard Debit AdjustmentISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instant.Will automatically and instantly settle any corresponding ATHDBT authorization transaction, if any
CRDDEPCard DepositISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instant.
CRDFEECard Fee Collection DepositISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instant.
CRDFTCCard Funds Transfer CreditISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instant.Usually from a peer-to-peer service
CRDFTDCard Funds Transfer DebitISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instant.Usually from a peer-to-peer service. Will automatically and instantly settle any corresponding ATHFTD authorization transaction, if any
CRDICFInternational Card FeeISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instant.
CRDMTFCard Money Transfer FromISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instant.
CRDMTTCard Money Transfer ToISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instant.
CRDPCHCard PurchaseISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instant.Will automatically and instantly settle any corresponding ATHPCH authorization transaction, if any
CRDPENCard Payment EnclosedISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instant.
CRDPOBCard Point Of Business DepositISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instant.
CRDQUACard Quasi-Cash or ScripISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instant.
CRDRTNCard Merchandise ReturnISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instant.
CRDTRVCard Travelers CheckISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instant.
CRDXFRCard Transfer FundsISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCustomer Account (same customer, different account)Depends on message; typically instant.
CRDXPYCard Transfer PaymentISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instant.
CSDEPICard Settlement to InternalHelix Admin ConsoleCard Settlement AccountCustomer AccountInstant
CSDEPPCard Settlement to Petty CashHelix Admin ConsoleCard Settlement AccountPetty Cash AccountInstant
CSHDEPCash to InternalAdmin ConsolePetty Cash AccountCustomer AccountInstant
CSHRETCash to Return ClearingAdmin ConsolePetty Cash AccountReturn Clearing AccountInstant
CSHRSVCash Account to Program ReserveAdmin ConsolePetty Cash AccountProgram Reserve AccountInstant
CSHVERCash to Verification FundAdmin ConsolePetty Cash AccountVerification FundInstant
CSHWTHInternal to CashHelix API or Admin ConsoleCustomer AccountPetty Cash AccountInstant
CSIDEPInterchange Income to Card SettlementAutomated Process, Admin ConsoleInterchange Income AccountCard Settlement AccountInstant
CSIWIDCard Settlement to Interchange IncomeAutomated Process, Admin ConsoleCard Settlement AccountInterchange Income AccountInstant
CSIWTHInternal to Card SettlementAdmin ConsoleCustomer AccountCard Settlement AccountInstant
CSPWTHPetty Cash to Card SettlementAdmin ConsolePetty Cash AccountCard Settlement AccountInstant
CTCRDCustomer Transfer from {fromName}Helix APICustomer AccountA Different Customer's AccountInstantInbound transfer. Transfers between different customers requires approval from the bank partner
CTDBTCustomer Transfer to {toName}Helix APICustomer AccountA Different Customer's AccountInstantOutbound transfer. Transfers between different customers requires approval from the bank partner
EXTPCLProgram External to Program ClearingAdmin ConsoleProgram External AccountProgram Clearing AccountACH (1-2 business days)
EXTRSVProgram External to Program ReserveHelix Admin Consoleor Helix APIProgram External AccountProgram Reserve AccountACH (1-2 business days)
GENDEPGeneral Journal DepositAdmin Consoledeprecated
GENWTHGeneral Journal WithdrawalAdmin Consoledeprecated
HLDATHBank Hold AuthorizationAdmin Console, Automated ProcessTemporarily holds funds on a Helix accountN/A
HLDCRDFDIC CreditAutomated ProcessN/ATemporarily credits funds to a Helix accountVariesExtremely rare
HLDDBTFDIC DebitAutomated ProcessTemporarily holds funds on a Helix accountN/AVariesExtremely rare
INTACRInterest AccruedInterest ProcessingInterest Expense AccountInterest Accrual AccountInstantAmount of interest accrued for a given product on a given day. One summary transaction is written per product per day denoting the total amount accrued across all eligible accounts.
INTADJInterest AdjustmentInterest Processing or Admin ConsoleCustomer Account or Interest Accrual AccountInterest Accrual Account or Customer AccountInstantUsed only in a very rare circumstance when the wrong amount of interest was paid to a customer. Will either be a credit or debit depending on whether the initial payment was too high or too low.
INTEXBInterest Transfer ExternalInterest ProcessingInterest Accrual AccountAn external business account at another financial institutionACH (1-2 business days)Interest transfer to a customer's external business savings account or external business checking account.
INTEXTInterest Transfer ExternalInterest ProcessingInterest Accrual AccountAn external consumer account at another financial institutionACH (1-2 business days)Interest transfer to a customer's consumer checking account.
INTINTInterest Transfer InternalInterest ProcessingInterest Accrual AccountCustomer AccountInstant
INTOVRInterest OveraccrualInterest Processing, Admin ConsoleInterest Accrual AccountInterest Expense AccountInstant
INTPDInterest PaidInterest ProcessingInterest Accrual AccountCustomer AccountInstantPaid per Payment Frequency setting. Typically on a monthly basis.
INTREVInterest Reversal AdjustmentInterest Processing, Admin ConsoleCustomer AccountInterest Expense AccountInstantUsed only in a very rare circumstance when an interest payment was made in error.
INTUNDInterest UnderaccrualInterest Processing, Admin ConsoleInterest Expense AccountInterest Accrual AccountInstant
MCMSNDMastercard Money Send: Card Money Transfer ToISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instant
MSCDEPMiscellaneous to InternalHelix API or Admin ConsoleMiscellaneous AccountCustomer AccountInstantTypically related to fees gathered by the client
MSCWTHInternal to MiscellaneousHelix API or Admin ConsoleCustomer AccountMiscellaneous AccountInstantTypically related to fees gathered by the client
PCLDEPProgram Clearing To InternalHelix API or Admin ConsoleProgram Clearing AccountCustomer AccountInstant
PCLWTHInternal to Program ClearingHelix API or Admin ConsoleCustomer AccountProgram Clearing AccountInstant
PSCRDProgram Suspense Transfer from {fromName}Helix API, Admin Console, Automated ProcessCustomer AccountProgram Suspense AccountInstant
PSDBTProgram Suspense Transfer to {toName}Helix API, Admin Console, Automated ProcessProgram Suspense AccountCustomer AccountInstant
PSDEPIProgram Suspense to InternalAdmin ConsoleProgram Suspense AccountCustomer AccountInstant
PSRSVProgram Suspense to Program ReserveAdmin ConsoleProgram Suspense AccountProgram Reserve AccountInstant
PSSTLProgram Suspense to SettlementAdmin ConsoleProgram Suspense AccountCard Settlement AccountInstant
PSTDEPProgram Settlement to InternalAdmin ConsoleProgram Settlement AccountCustomer AccountInstant
PSUNKProgram Suspense to Unknown ExternalACH File ProcessingProgram Suspense AccountAn account at another financial institutionInstantWithdrawal from the Program Suspense account to an Unkonwn External account; i.e. a "pull" of funds via NACHA initiated by another ODFI (does not originate from Helix). An "Unknown" withdrawal means the tag property will always be empty on this transaction, since it did not originate from Helix.
PSWTHIInternal To Program SuspenseHelix API, Admin ConsoleCustomer AccountProgram Suspense AccountInstant
PXTDEPProgram External To InternalHelix API or Admin ConsoleProgram External AccountCustomer AccountACH (1-2 business days)
RCLDEPReturn Clearing To InternalHelix API or Admin ConsoleReturn Clearing AccountCustomer AccountInstant
RCRBDPHelix Recurring DepositHelix API or Bulk Transfer FileCustomer External Business AccountCustomer AccountACH (1-2 business days)Recurring deposits from a customer's external business savings account or external business checking account.
RCRDEPRecurring deposit into a Customer AccountHelix API or Bulk Transfer FileCustomer External Consumer AccountCustomer AccountACH (1-2 business days)Recurring deposits from a customer's external consumer account.
REV3PFCard 3rd Party Payment From ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATH3PF, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRD3PF, funds are moved.
REV3PTCard 3rd Party Payment To ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATH3PT, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRD3PT, funds are moved.
REVAFDCard Automated Fuel Dispenser ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHAFD, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDAFD, funds are moved.
REVBCKCard Cashback From Deposit ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHBCK, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDBCK, funds are moved.
REVBLPCard Billpay ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHBLP, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDBLP, funds are moved.
REVCDTCard Credit Adjustment ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHCDT, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDCDT, funds are moved.
REVCFDCard Consumer Funds Disbursement ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHCFD, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDCFD, funds are moved.
REVCKDCard Check Deposit ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHCKD, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDCKD, funds are moved.
REVCSDCard Cash Deposit ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHCSD, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDCSD, funds are moved.
REVCSHCard ATM Cash Withdrawal ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHCSH, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDCSH, funds are moved.
REVDBTCard Debit Adjustment ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instantReverses a debit adjustment CRDAFD.
REVDEPCard Deposit ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instantReverses a deposit CRDDEP.
REVFEECard Fee Collection Deposit ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHFEE, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDFEE, funds are moved.
REVFTCCard Funds Transfer Credit ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHFTC, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDFTC, funds are moved.
REVFTDCard Funds Transfer Debit ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHFTD, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDFTD, funds are moved.
REVICFReversal of International Card FeeISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instantReverses an international card fee CRDICF.
REVMMSMastercard Money Send: Card Money Transfer To ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instant
REVMTFCard Money Transfer From ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHMTF, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDMTF, funds are moved.
REVMTTCard Money Transfer To ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHMTT, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDMTT, funds are moved.
REVPCHCard Purchase ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHPCH, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDPCH, funds are moved.
REVPENCard Payment Enclosed ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHPEN, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDPEN, funds are moved.
REVPOBCard Point Of Business Deposit ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHPOB, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDPOB, funds are moved.
REVQUACard Quasi-Cash or Scrip ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHQUA, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDQUA, funds are moved.
REVRTNCard Merchandise Return ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHRTN, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDRTN, funds are moved.
REVTRVCard Travelers Check ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHTRV, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDTRV, funds are moved.
REVVDRVisa Direct: Card Money Transfer To ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCard Settlement AccountDepends on message; typically instant
REVXFRCard Transfer Funds ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Customer AccountCustomer Account (same customer, different account)Depends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHXFR, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDXFR, funds are moved.
REVXPYCard Transfer Payment ReversalISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instantIf reversing an authorization transaction ATHXPY, no funds are moved but hold is released. If reversing a card transaction CRDXPY, funds are moved.
RSVCSHProgram Reserve to Cash AccountHelix Admin ConsoleProgram Reserve AccountPetty Cash AccountInstant
RSVDEPProgram Reserve to InternalHelix API or Admin ConsoleProgram Reserve AccountCustomer AccountInstant
RSVEXTProgram Reserve to Program ExternalHelix API or Admin ConsoleProgram Reserve AccountProgram External AccountACH (1-2 business days)
RSVPSProgram Reserve to Program SuspenseAdmin ConsoleProgram Reserve AccountProgram SuspenseInstant
RSVRSVProgram Reserve to Program ReserveAdmin ConsoleA Program Reserve AccountAnother Program Reserve AccountInstant
RSVSTLProgram Reserve to SettlementAdmin ConsoleProgram Reserve AccountCard Settlement AccountInstant
RSVUNKProgram Reserve to Unknown ExternalACH File ProcessingProgram Reserve AccountAccount at another financial institutionInstantWithdrawal from the Program Reserve account to an Unkonwn External account; i.e. a "pull" of funds via NACHA initiated by another ODFI (does not originate from Helix). An "Unknown" withdrawal means the tag property will always be empty on this transaction, since it did not originate from Helix.
RSVVERProgram Reserve to VerificationAdmin ConsoleProgram Reserve AccountVerification FundInstant
RSVWTHInternal to Program ReserveHelix API or Admin ConsoleCustomer AccountProgram Reserve AccountInstant
RTLDEPRetail Clearing To InternalHelix API or Admin ConsoleRetail Clearing AccountCustomer AccountInstant
RTLWTHInternal to Retail ClearingHelix API or Admin ConsoleCustomer AccountRetail Clearing AccountInstant
RTNDEPReturn of a Helix DepositACH File ProcessingCustomer AccountAccount at another financial institutionACH (1-2 business days)Return of a previous deposit into a Customer Account. (i.e. this transaction represents a withdrawal from a Customer Account). This is an ACH transaction that could not be completed properly, and it is being returned via the ACH network.
RTNWTHReturn of a Helix WithdrawalACH File ProcessingAccount at another financial institutionCustomer AccountACH (1-2 business days)Return of a previous withdrawal from a Customer Account. This is an ACH transaction that could not be completed properly, and it is being returned via the ACH network.
STLRSVSettlement to Program ReserveHelix Admin ConsoleCard Settlement AccountProgram Reserve AccountInstant
STLUNKSettlement Account to Unknown ExternalHelix Admin ConsoleCard Settlement AccountAccount at another financial institutionACH (1-2 business days)Deposit to Unknown External account from the Card Settlement account. This is an ACH transaction that could not be completed properly, and it is being returned via the ACH network.
UNKDEPUnknown External to InternalACH File ProcessingAccount at another financial institutionCustomer AccountInstantDeposit to a Customer Account from an External account; i.e. a "push" of funds via NACHA initiated by another ODFI (does not originate from Helix). An "Unknown" deposit means the tag property will always be empty on this transaction, since it did not originate from Helix.
UNKPSUnknown External to Program SuspenseACH File ProcessingAccount at another financial institutionProgram Suspense AccountInstant
UNKPSTUnknown External to Program SettlementACH File ProcessingAccount at another financial institutionProgram Settlement AccountInstant
UNKRETUnknown External to Return ClearingACH File ProcessingAccount at another financial institutionReturn Clearing AccountInstantWithdrawal from an External account to the Return Clearing account; i.e. a return of funds via NACHA initiated by another ODFI (does not originate from Helix).
UNKRSVUnknown External to Program ReserveACH File ProcessingAccount at another financial institutionProgram Reserve AccountInstantWithdrawal from an External account to the Program Reserve account; i.e. a "push" of funds into the Program Reserve via NACHA initiated by another ODFI (does not originate from Helix).
UNKSTLUnknown External to Settlement AccountACH File ProcessingAccount at another financial institutionCard Settlement AccountInstant
UNKWTHInternal to Unknown ExternalACH File ProcessingCustomer AccountAccount at another financial institutionInstantWithdrawal from a Customer Account to an External account; i.e. a "pull" of funds via NACHA initiated by another ODFI (does not originate from Helix). An "Unknown" withdrawal means the tag property will always be empty on this transaction, since it did not originate from Helix.
VERDEPVerification DepositHelix API or Admin ConsoleConsumer account at another financial institutionVerification Funds AccountACH (1-2 business days)Deposit of verification funds to the Verification Funds account from an external consumer account. (aka micro-transactions for verifying an external account). This is an ACH transaction that "pulled" funds in from the ACH network.
VERWTHVerification WithdrawalHelix API or Admin ConsoleVerification Funds AccountConsumer account at another financial institutionACH (1-2 business days)Withdrawal of verification funds from the Verification Funds account out to an external consumer account. (aka micro-transactions for verifying an external account). This is an ACH transaction that "pushed" funds out to the ACH network.
VISDIRVisa Direct: Card Money Transfer ToISO-8583 interface (debit card use)Card Settlement AccountCustomer AccountDepends on message; typically instant
WIRDEPWire DepositWire ProcessingAccount at another financial institutionCustomer AccountInstant
WIRWIDWire WithdrawalWire ProcessingCustomer AccountAccount at another financial institutionInstant