Customer Account Deposit Payload

The Customer Account Deposit Payload (payloadTypeId=200) relates to any transaction that moved funds into the customer's account.

Possible properties in data node:

Click to expand
  • amount
  • availableDate
  • comment
  • companyDiscrentionaryData
  • companyEntryDescription
  • companyIdentification
  • companyName
  • createdDate
  • customerId
  • customField1
  • description
  • externalApplicationId
  • externalUrl
  • externalUserId
  • externalUserName
  • feeCode
  • feeDescrition
  • friendlyDescription
  • institutionName
  • isEarlyDeposit
  • masterId
  • modifiedById
  • nachaSettledDate
  • payloadTypeId
  • returnCode
  • settledDate
  • standardEntryClassCode
  • subType
  • subTypeCode
  • tag
  • toAccountAmount
  • toAccountId
  • toAccountNumberMasked
  • toAvailableAmount
  • toCategory
  • toCreatedDate
  • toCustomField1
  • toCustomField2
  • toCustomField3
  • toCustomField4
  • toCustomField5
  • toLegalName1
  • toLegalName2
  • toName
  • toPendingAmount
  • toPrimaryCustomerId
  • toSubCategory
  • toTag
  • toTargetAmount
  • toTargetDate
  • toTargetMetDate
  • transactionId
  • type
  • typeCode
  • version
  • voidedDate

Example Payload

        "type":"CorePro Deposit",
        "friendlyDescription":"Transfer from FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK to My Checking",
        "description":"Transfer from linked bank",
        "toName":"My Checking",
        "companyName": "",
        				"companyEntryDescription": "",
        				"companyDiscretionaryData": "",
        				"standardEntryClassCode": "",
        				"nachaSettledDate": "",
        				"isEarlyDeposit": false,