Customer Account Access File
A listing of all customers with access to accounts for a given program. Includes account information, the account access type, and for business customers, the relationship of the individual to the business customer.
Customer Account Access File Definition
The Customer Account Access File is created by Helix on a daily basis. It has the following properties:
- Tab-delimited
- File will be available in the relative directory of
- File name follows a specific, case-sensitive pattern of:
Format Disclaimer
Helix reserves the right to append new field(s) to the end of any Header or Content line without notice. This is to allow new data points to be added as needed in a timely fashion.Implementation Note
Your code should be written such that unexpected characters after the "last" field but prior to the end of each line should be ignored. That is, if the file is documented as having 30 tabs per line, receiving a file with 31 or more per line should not disrupt your processing. This applies to both Header and Content lines.File Name Disclaimer
The date in file name should be used as a guideline for human eyes only. Any date-related programmatic dependencies should rely on theFileCreatedDate
contained within the header line of each file, as these will be precise to the second and will be in the appropriate timezone.
Header Row
Property | Data Type (Max Length) | Tab Offset | Description |
File Name | string (50) | 0 | The name of this request file excluding path. Format: yyyyMMddhhmm_CUSTOMERACCOUNTACCESS.TXT Example: 201410210148_CUSTOMERACCOUNTACCESS.TXT |
Record Count | integer (10) | 1 | The number of records represented within the file. This field is zero-padded on the left side. Example: 0000000872 |
File Created Date | datetime (34) | 2 | The date the file was created. Follows same format as API. Example: 2014-10-20T10:30:31.456-05:00 See data format guidelines |
File Effective Date | datetime (34) | 3 | The date to which the data in the file pertains. Follows same format as API. Example: 2014-10-20T23:59:59.999-05:00 See data format guidelines |
Content Row
Property | Data Type (Max Length) | Tab Offset | Description |
Customer ID | integer (10) | 0 | The customerId property of the customer object. |
Primary Customer Tag | string (50) | 1 | Optional. User-assigned identifier for the primary owner of the account. |
Related Customer ID | integer (10) | 2 | Optional. Helix-assigned unique ID for the secondary owner of the account. |
Related Customer Tag | string (50) | 3 | Optional. User-assigned identifier for the secondary owner of the account. |
Customer Relationship Type | string (50) | 4 | Optional. Relationship between the primary owner and secondary owner of the account. For a business account, see the relationshipType property of the customer relationship object for values.For a joint owners account, the value is Joint .For a minor account, the value is Child . |
Entitlement | string (50) | 5 | Optional. The description of the 'entitlement` property of the account entitlement object (i.e., FullAccess). |
Account ID | integer (10) | 6 | The accountID property of the account object. |
Product ID | integer (10) | 7 | The productID property of the account object. |
Account Tag | string (50) | 8 | Optional. User-assigned identifier for the account. |
Account Number | string (50) | 9 | The accountNumber property of the account object. |
Account Name | string (50) | 10 | The name property of the account object. |
Account Type | string (50) | 11 | The type property of the account object. |
Account Status | string (50) | 12 | The status property of the account object. |
Account Balance | string (50) | 13 | The accountBalance property of the account object. |
Close Date | datetime (34) | 14 | Optional. The closedDate property of the account object. |
Take me to the Example Customer Account Access File
Updated 29 days ago