Customer Beneficiary

A customer beneficiary is a person who the customer specifies should receive the funds in the event of the customer's death.

customerBeneficiary Object

PropertyData type (length)Description
addressLine1string (100)Customer beneficiary residential address line 1
addressLine2string (100)Customer beneficiary residential address line 2
addressLine3string (100)Customer beneficiary residential address line 3
addressLine4string (100)Customer beneficiary residential address line 4
birthDatedatetimeCustomer beneficiary birth date
Format: yyyy-MM-ddT00:00:00.000+00:00
Example: 1976-07-04T00:00:00.000+00:00
citystring (50)Customer beneficiary residential address city
countrystring (50)Must be US
createdDatedatetimeDate the customer was created. Note: a customer may have been created but not available for use, depending on the isLocked or status properties.
customerBeneficiaryIdintegerHelix-assigned unique ID for the customer beneficiary
customerIdintegerHelix-assigned unique ID for the customer to whom this
beneficiary belongs
distributionDescriptionstring (50)Free-form description of the distribution
documentsAcceptedDatestring (1)
emailAddressstring (256)Example:
firstNamestring (50)First name of the beneficiary
isActivebooleanIndicates whether the customer beneficiary is available for use
isDocumentsAcceptedbooleanOnly required when creating a new customer. Confirms that customer viewed and accepted all documents returned via the /bankDocument/list route
lastModifiedDatedatetimeDate when the object was last altered in any way
lastNamestring (50)Last name of the beneficiary
legalName1string (100)Legal name (if beneficiary is not a person)
legalName2string (100)Legal name continued (if beneficiary is not a person)
middleNamestring (50)Middle name of the beneficiary
phoneNumberstring (15)Customer beneficiary phone number

Numbers only, without hyphens

Example: 5152221212

Data cleansing should be performed on any invalid user input prior to sending to Helix
postalCodestring (9)Customer beneficiary address postal code
U.S. numbers only, without hyphen
statestring (2)Two-character code for U.S. state of beneficiary address

Example: CA
suffixstring (20)A customer beneficiary' name suffix. Examples:
- Sr.
- Esq.
- Ph.D
tagstring (50)A client-assigned unique identifier to represent exactly one customer in Helix in production. Sandbox does allow duplicate tags for testing. Typically represents the unique user ID in your system
taxIdstring (50)Social Security Number (SSN), Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) of the beneficiary

Numeric characters only, no formatting (i.e., hyphens, spaces) of any kind

Example: 123456789
taxIdMaskedstringTax ID of the beneficiary with all but the last 4
characters masked