Debit card maintenance
Renew a card
Programs that issue debit cards have an option of the Standard or Custom card renewal process for naturally expiring cards. Standard card renewal uses the debit card eligibility criteria and performing individual card renewals via Helix Admin Console, while custom card renewal provides flexibility to renew cards based on the client's custom eligibility criteria. Custom criteria include setting a renewal override and establishing a renewal job run date and performing individual card renewals via API.
The card renewal period begins on the first calendar day of the month prior to the card expiration date and ends on the day prior to either the 15th calendar day of the month prior to the card expiration date (standard) or the established calendar date and month setting (custom).
Use of custom card renewal requires bank of record approval.
Both renewal processes affect the following card issuance models:
- Physical cards
- Digital Issuance (Single PAN) with an optional physical card
- Virtual Issuance – only applies to the virtual PAN with a 10-year expiration.
Card renewal reports
Projection Report
The debit card renewal process starts with an initial projection report which allows programs to review the current eligibility of expiring cards. This allows programs to take the necessary actions prior to the card renewal.
A projection report is generated on the first calendar day of the month prior to the card expiration date, and a CSV file is generated for each program with the following naming convention, then delivered via SFTP: * *
- CardRenewalProjectionReport{ProgramID}{CurrentDate YYYYMMDD}.
The Projection Report file structure is as follows:
Report property | Description |
OldCardId | Helix CardID for expiring card |
CustomerFirstName | First name data from expiring CardID |
CustomerMiddleName | Middle name data from expiring CardID |
CustomerLastName | Last name data from expiring CardID |
ExpireMonth | Expiration month of expiring CardID (MM) |
ExpireYear | Expiration year of expiring CardID (YYYY) |
IsEligibleToRenew | Indicates renewal eligibility (either TRUE or FALSE) |
ExclusionReason | If IsEligibleToRenew field is False, includes theprimary reason the card is not eligible for renewal, from one of the following: - Already Renewed - Positive Balance Required - Invalid Account Status - Digital Issuance Dual PAN: Invalid Card Status - Digital Issuance Single PAN: Invalid Card Status - Invalid Physical Card Status - Renewal Override: Do Not Renew - Renewal Override: Invalid Card Status - Renewal Override: Invalid Card Status If ProjectedIsEligibleToRenew field is True, indicates there is a renewal override in place.- Renewal Override: Renew |
CardTag | Unique identifier for the card being renewed, if provided to Helix by program |
CustomerTag | Unique identifier for the customer associated with the card |
IsRenewalOverride | Client provided card renewal override (either TRUE or FALSE) |
CustomerPreferredName | Name a customer prefers to use and referred to when being addressed. Only present when usePreferredNameOnCard is set to true on customer record. The card will be embossed with preferredName on file and card mailer and Visa DPS records will reflect nameOnCard . |
BusinessNameOnCard | The business name embossed on the card. Only present when businessNameOnCard is present on customer record. The businessNameOnCard will be embossed on second line of card. |
CardHolderCustomerId |
Confirmation Report
The confirmation report which provides the final renewal outcome for each of the cards that was listed on the projection report completes the renewal process.
A confirmation report is generated on the 15th calendar day of the month or on the program's renewal job run date prior to a card's expiration, and a CSV file is generated for each program with the following naming convention, then delivered via SFTP:
- CardRenewalConfirmationReport{ProgramID}{CurrentDate YYYYMMDD}.
The Confirmation Report file structure is as follows:
Report property | Description |
OldCardId | Helix CardID for expiring card |
CustomerId | The Helix-assigned unique ID for a customer. |
FirstName | First name data from expiring CardID |
MiddleName | Middle name data from expiring CardID |
LastName | Last name data from expiring CardID |
OriginalExpirationDate | Expiration date of expiring CardID (MM-YYYY) |
ProjectedIsEligibleToRenew | Indicates projected renewal eligibility (either TRUE or FALSE) |
ProjectedReasonRejected | Indicates projected renewal exclusion reason |
CardTag | Unique identifier for the card being renewed, if provided to Helix by program |
CustomerTag | Unique identifier for the customer associated with the card |
IsEligibleToRenew | Indicates card renewal eligibility at the time the card renewal. process was executed (either True or False) |
WasRenewed | Confirms the card was renewed (either True or False) |
NewCardID | Helix CardID for the renewed card |
NewExpDate | Expiration date of the new CardID (MM-YYYY) |
ActualReasonRejected | If IsEligibleToRenew field is False, includes the primary reason the card did not renew, from one of the following: - Already Renewed - Positive Balance Required - Invalid Account Status - Digital Issuance Dual PAN: Invalid Card Status - Digital Issuance Single PAN: Invalid Card Status - Invalid Physical Card Status - Renewal Override: Do Not Renew - Renewal Override: Invalid Card Status - Renewal Override: Invalid Card Status |
IsRenewalOverride | Client provided card renewal override (either TRUE or FALSE) |
RenewalOverrideReason | Client provided card renewal override reason |
CustomerPreferredName | Only present when usePreferredNameOnCard is set to true on customer record. The card will be embossed with preferredName on file and card mailer and Visa DPS records will reflect nameOnCard . |
Card renewal configurations
The card renewal configuration for both standard and custom is set to begin on the first calendar day of the month prior to the card expiration date for projection reports.
The Standard Card Renewal ending date is set for the 15th calendar day of the month prior to a card's expiration.
The Custom Card Renewal requires bank approval prior to configuration and a support ticket specifying the program's configuration selections. Configuration for custom card renewal consists of the following:
- Required - Calendar Day of the month between the 1st and 28th day
- Required - Renewal month period
- Month prior to expiration date on card (i.e., if card expires on 11/24, renewal month would be 10/24)
- Same month of expiration date on card (i.e., if card expires on 11/24, renewal month would be 11/24)
- Optional - Default card qualifier for all card renewals does not support multiple designs
Once configuration is completed, access to the Helix API and Helix Admin Console for custom card renewal options will be granted.
Card renewal eligibility
A debit card is eligible for renewal when it meets all the applicable conditions for the renewal option.
A temporary lock status on a card will not prevent renewal. The lock will be temporarily suppressed at Visa DPS while remaining locked on Helix during the card renewal process until Visa DPS has completed processing
A debit card is eligible on the 15th day of the calendar month prior to when the card will expire if all the following conditions are met:
- The card has one of the following statuses (depending on the card issuance model):
- The card has an open account status.
- The card has a positive account balance
A debit card is eligible for custom renewal when it meets all the following conditions on the established calendar date and month setting for a program:
- Renewal Override is set to Renew
- The card has an open account status
- Card is not one of the following statuses:
- Renewal Override is not set
- The card has an open account status.
- The card has one of the following statuses (depending on the card issuance model):
- The card has a positive account balance.
Allow and prevent renewal of cards
To review cards that qualify for renewal, use the projection report generated on the first calendar. day of the month prior to the card expiring.
While the standard card renewal process logic cannot be overridden, and a card qualified on Projection report for renewal and was disqualified on the confirmation report, clients can create a new card record for the customer and let the previous card expire naturally. This will generate new card credentials, including a PAN, CVV2, etc. After the old card expires, the original card credentials will not authorize purchases.
In the event you need to prevent an eligible card from renewing, you can archive the customer’s card before the renewal process occurs. on the 15th calendar day of the month prior to the card expiring.
Custom card renewal provides a renewal override API that allows the client to override the standard card renewal eligibility criteria. The card renewal process logic is configured to allow a card to renew when a renewal override is set to Renew
, use the renewal override API to set this property value on the customer’s card before the renewal process occurs.
The customer’s card must still be in an eligible card status and have an open account status when the renewal process occurs
Card renewal process logic is also configured to prevent a card from renewing when a renewal override is set to DoNotRenew
, use the renewal override API to set this property value on the customer’s card before the renewal process occurs.
Locked cards at renewal
Helix will renew any customer or system locked cards except for reason Administrative. If a card is locked, during the renewal process the card status is set to ReissuedStaged
and a temporary unlock performed at Visa DPS while card remains locked on Helix. The card status is then set to AutoReissuedInitiated
and card order sent to Visa DPS and card status is updated to AutoReissuedPendingVerifiication
Immediate card renewal will also allow for card renewal of a locked card by immediately sending a temporary unlock to Visa DPS while card remains locked on Helix, card status set to ReissuedPendingVerification
and card order sent to Visa DPS.
For locked cards under both renewal methods, Helix will monitor the renewal cards during the period it is unlocked at Visa DPS to ensure the card remains unlocked until the card order file is generated by Visa DPS the following morning at 5 AM CST, Helix will then send a lock request to Visa DPS for all cards that were temporarily unlocked as part of a renewal.
Due to this monitoring, clients will experience delays for card lock confirmation realtime events until the maintenance period has ended for renewed cards.
Card renewal APIs
Immediate card renewal
Standard card renewal also has the option to perform an immediate card renewal which provides additional flexibility for the card renewal process such as an alternative renewal option for cards that may not have originally qualified during the renewal process.
See Reissue a card in the Helix API documentation for specific details about the card reissue properties for immediate card renewals.
The following error codes specific to Helix card reissue for immediate card renewals are specifically applicable to the above API endpoint responses:
Error Code | Message (en-US) | Notes |
61400 | Program is not authorized to use this endpoint. Please contact your relationship manager for details. | |
198120 | CardId {0} status is {1} and cannot be renewed. | |
198121 | Card {cardld} cannot be renewed before the renewal period. | Renewal period begins on the first (1st) day of the month prior to the card expiration month. |
198122 | Card {cardld} cannot be used after the card expiration date | Card is expired and must use either Initiate a card or /card/Create a digital carddepending on your card issuance type |
198123 | Reissued cardId {cardld} already exists for cardId {cardId}. | Card has already been renewed. |
Renewal override
Enhanced card renewal provides the ability to include an override to the standard card renewal eligibility. The API allows for either a Renew or Do Not Renew option for cards in the renewal period.
See Renewal Override in the Helix API documentation for specific details about the card renewal override properties.
The following error codes specific to Helix Renewal Overrides are applicable to the above API endpoint responses:
Error Code | Message (en-US) | Notes |
61400 | Program is not authorized to use this endpoint. Please contact your relationship manager for details. | |
198100 | Card '{CardId}' cannot be renewed before the renewal period. | Renewal period begins on the first (1st) day of the month prior to the card expiration month. |
198101 | Card '{CardId}' cannot be used on or after the card renewal job date. | CardId no longer eligible for card renewal via job, please use Reissue a card to renew the card. |
198102 | Card '{CardId}' cannot be used after the card expiration date. | Card is expired and must use either Initiate a card or Create a digital card depending on your card issuance type |
198103 | Card '{CardId}' status {cardStatus} is invalid for renewal override. Please review /card/renewalOverride API documentation for eligible card statuses | Card must be in a status of Verified , PendingVerification , ReissuedPendingVerification or DigitalActivePhysicalPending |
198104 | Invalid request | Correct the request and retry |
198106 | Invalid card renewal override | Correct the request and retry |
Updated 27 days ago