What is Helix?
Helix is a cloud-based real-time bank core that enables you to embed white labeled financial products into your existing applications and product offerings.
Primary responsibilities of Helix:
- Be the System of Record for all information necessary to onboard and maintain customers, accounts, balances and related transactions
- Provide all bank documents and disclosures required for regulatory purposes
- Generate all statements (i.e., monthly, 1099-INT) required for regulatory purposes
- Accrue and pay interest, if applicable
- Provide a user interface for client and bank users to perform administrative functions against said data
- Create all reports necessary for servicing said data
- Export data in a timely fashion to allow the bank of record to do its own data processing, if needed
- Minimize the risk of fraud, hacking and other nefarious practices
Primary responsibilities of code that uses Helix include:
- Create an end-user UI that adheres to your banking partner's restrictions, if any
- Maintain user login credentials for the UI
- Communicate with end-users. Helix simply emits events which your code can use as a basis for notifications
- Access Helix from middleware only. End user devices are not supported due to IP address whitelisting for security
How do I integrate with Helix?
- REST API: Fetch, create, update and delete data in real time
- SFTP files: Mass data exports or imports
- Events Bus: Get real-time messages when events occur within Helix
- Web Application: Administrative-level functionality
Where should I start?
- Take a look at the various Helix API objects
- Head over to the Interactive API Endpoint Reference
Updated 8 months ago