Customer Relationship
A customer relationship object associates two separate customer objects.
Take me to the Customer Relationship Endpoint Reference
customerRelationship Object
Property | Data Type (length) | Description |
beneficialOwnerPercentage | decimal | The percentage of the business owned by the related customer expressed as a number. For example: a 30.5% ownership would be 30.5 |
canOpenAccounts | boolean | Denotes if the related customer permitted to open accounts for the primary customer. |
externalAccountAccessType | enum | The access relatedCustomerId has to primaryCustomerId 's external accounts. Possible values:- FULL - RDLY (Read-only)- ACH - NONE |
isActive | boolean | Indicates whether the customer relationship is active |
isBeneficialOwner | boolean | Is the related customer a beneficial owner of the business listed as the primary customer |
isControlPerson | boolean | Does the related customer have primary control of the business listed as the primary customer |
isPrimaryContact | boolean | Is the related customer a primary contact for the business listed as the primary customer |
primaryCustomerId | integer | Helix-assigned unique ID for the primary customer |
relatedCustomerId | integer | Helix-assigned unique ID for the customer who is related to the primary customer |
relationshipType | enum | Relation to the customer Valid values include: - Signer - Owner - NonTransactional - BeneficialOwner - Trustee - SuccessorTrustee - Guardian - Conservator - Executor - Agent - PowerOfAttorney - Custodian - Administrator - Fiduciary |
title | string | Title of the related customer |
Updated 12 months ago