In Auth Payload

The In Auth Transaction Decisioning Solution (In Auth) allows clients to participate in the decisioning of their customers' debit card authorization and transaction activity.Helix will issue a HTTP Post to a Webhook URL with the below identified payload properties to allow client to receive authorization and financial transaction requests and provide a decision response for Helix to complete the message processing.


correlationIdGuidCorrelation Identifier for track (aka ContextId)
eventEventPayloadTransaction information
tsDateTimeOffsetTime at which the object was created
idTokenStringCustomer Token


PayloadTypeDescriptionPayload Data Mapping
acquirerInstitutionCountryCodestringCountry where the acquiring institution is located
acquirerInstitutionIdstringIdentifies the acquiring institution’s institution identification code (IID).
additionalAmountsGratuitydecimalAmount of gratuity provided when the transaction occurred
additionalAmountsPurchasedecimalPartial pay amount
additionalFeesCCAdecimalMastercard Currency Conversation Assessment (CCA) fees
additionalFeesICAdecimalIssuer Cross-border Assessment (ICA) fees
amountdecimalAmount of funds represented by the transaction
cardAcceptorCountryCodestringCountry code of the card acceptor
cardIdint32Unique Helix-assignedID for the card to which this event applies
cardIssuanceTypestringIdentifies the type of card issuanceValid values include:
Digital with Physical
Digital without Physical
cashbackAmountdecimalAmount of cashback provided when the transaction occurred.
cashDepositAmountdecimalAmount of cash deposited when the transaction occurred
customerIdint32Unique Helix-assigned ID for the customer
cvv2PresenceIndicatorstringCVV2 Presence Indicator0 -CVV2 Value is deliberately bypassed or is not provided by the merchant
1 - CVV2 Value is present
2 - CVV2 Value is on the card, but is illegible
9 - Cardholder states that the card has no CVV2 imprint
cvv2ResultstringCVV2 ResultM - CVV2 Match
N - CVV2 No Match
P - Not Processed
S - CVV2 should be on the card, but the merchant has indicated that CVV2 is not present
U - Issuer is not certified and/or has not provided Visa with the encryption keys
fromAccountAmountdecimalTotal balance of the debited customer account after the debit was applied, including funds with holds placed on them Represents all settled transactions to date
fromAccountIdint32Unique identifier for the debited customer account
fromAccountNumberMaskedstringMasked version of the account number of the debited customer account
fromAvailableAmountdecimalBalance available for immediate withdrawal from the debited customer account after the debit was applied
fromCategorystringCaller-specified category to which the debited customer account belongs
fromCreatedDatedateimeoffsetDate customer account was created
fromCustomField1stringCustomField1 property of the account object that was debited
fromCustomField2stringCustomField2 property of the account object that was debited
fromCustomField3stringCustomField3 property of the account object that was debited
fromCustomField4stringCustomField4 property of the account object that was debited
fromCustomField5stringCustomField5 property of the account object that was debited
fromLegalName1stringFirst legal name used to identify the customer account that was debited
fromLegalName2stringSecondary legal name used to identify the customer account that was debited
fromNamestringCaller-specified, user-friendly name for the customer account that was debited
fromPrimaryCustomerIdint32Denotes the customer considered the primary owner for the account that was debited
fromSubCategorystringCaller-specified subcategory to which the customer account that was debited belongs
fromTagstringUnique, caller-specified identifier for the customer account that was debited
fromTargetAmountdecimalAmount the customer wants the from Available Amount to reach on the account that was debited
fromTargetDatedatetimeoffsetDate the customer wants the from Target Amount to be reached on the account that was debited
fromTargetMetDatestringFirst date the available Amount reached or exceeded the from Target Amount on the account that was debited
merchantCategoryCodestringTwo-character country abbreviation of the merchant at which the transaction originated
merchantCitystringCity of the merchant at which the transaction originated
merchantCountryCodestringTwo-character country abbreviation of the merchant at which the transaction originated
merchantIdstringIdentification code of the merchant that accepted the card information
merchantLocationstringLocation of the merchant at which the transaction originated
merchantStateCodestringTwo-character state abbreviation of the merchant at which the transaction originated
merchantZipCodestringPostal code of the merchant at which the transaction originated
messageTypeIndicatorstringIncoming message type0100 - Authorization Request
0101 - Repeat Authorization Request
0200 - Financial Transaction Request
0201 - Repeat Financial Request
nationalPointOfServiceConditionCardPresencestringCard Presence0 - Card present
1 - Card not present
8 - Pre-authorized purchase
nationalPointOfServiceConditionCardPresentationstringPresentation Type0 - Customer present
1 - Customer not present
2 - Mail/Telephone Order (unknown classification)
4 - Recurring transaction
5 - Installment Payment
6 - Account top up
8 - Pre-authorized purchase
9 - Single transaction for Mail/Telephone Order
nationalPointOfServiceConditionCardRetentionstringCard Retention0 - Device does not have card retention capability
1 - Device has card retention capability
nationalPointOfServiceConditionCardTransactionstringCard Transaction1 - Incremental authorization
2 - Delayed charges
3 - No show
4 - Merchant authorized transaction
5 - Resubmission
6 - Reauthorization
nationalPointOfServiceConditionSecurityConditionstringSecurity Condition1 - Incremental authorization
2 - Delayed charges
3 - No show
4 - Merchant authorized transaction
5 - Resubmission
6 - Reauthorization
nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalEntryCapabilitystringTerminal Entry Capability Mode0 - Unknown
1 - Manual/no terminal
2 - Magnetic stripe read
3 - QR code
4 - OCR
5 - ICC
6 - Key entered
9 - File
S - MICR reader
T - Contactless
U - Contactless via Mag Stripe Rules
nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalOperatorstringTerminal Operator0 - Customer operated
1 - Card acceptor-operated
2 - Administrative
nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalPremisesstringTerminal Premise0 - On premise
1 - Off premise
3 - Electronic commerce
nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalTypestringTerminal Type00 - Administrative terminal
01 - POS terminal
02 - ATM
03 - Home terminal
04 - ECR
05 - Dial terminal
06 - Travelers check machine
07 - Fuel machine
08 - Scrip machine
09 - Coupon machine
10 - Ticket machine
11 - Point-of-banking terminal
12 - Teller
13 - Franchise teller
nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalUnattendedStringTerminal Unattended0 - Attended
1 - Unattended
networkProviderTypeIdstringCard's network provider ID
paymentAccountReferenceNumberstringPayment Account Reference Number
pinValidationCodestringIndicates whether the entered PIN was Valid
pointOfServicePanEntryModestringPoint of Service PAN Entry ModeUnspecified
01 - Manual
02 - MagneticStripe
03 - OpticalCode
04 - OCR
05 - IntegratedCircuitCard
06 - Manual_KeyEntered
07 - ContactlessChipTransactionUsingChipDataRules
90 - FullMagneticStripeRead
81 - Stored
82 - DigitallyStoredMobileBrowser
84 - MICRread
91 - ContactlessChipTransactionUsingMagneticStripeDataRules
95 - IntegratedCircuitCard_CVVMayBeUnreliable
pointOfServicePinEntryModestringPoint of Service PIN Entry Mode0 - Unspecified
1 - PINEntryCapability
2 - NoPINEntryCapability
6 - PINPadInoperative
privatelyDefinedDataAcquirerNetworkIdCodestringNetwork from which DPS acquired the transaction
privatelyDefinedDataAdditionalTransactionElementFallbackIndicatorstringFallback Indicatorblank or 0 - Not Fallback
1 - Fallback
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataFalconReason1stringFalcon Reason 100 - No Code
01 - Unusual Time
02 - Unusual MCC
03 - High Risk MCC
04 - Suspicious High Dollar
05 - Suspicious Dollar Amounts
06 - Suspicious Geographic
07 - Suspicious Apprv Decln
08 - Suspicious Auth Velocity
09 - Suspicious Post Velocity
10 - Suspicious Transaction Type
11 - Suspicious Account Info
12 - Suspicious Keyed Activity
13 - Hi Risk Keyed Activity
14 - Suspicious ATM Cash
15 - Suspicious non-ATM Cash
16 - Suspicious Cash
17 - Suspicious Phone
18 - Suspicious Unattended Gas
19 - Suspicious CAT Activity
20 - High Risk MCC Amount
21 - Suspicious Foreign Activity
22 - CVV Expiration Date Mismatch
51 - Suspicious Payment Activity
52 - Suspicious Payment Amount
53 - Suspicious Payment Amount Nums
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataFalconReason2stringFalcon Reason 200 - No Code
01 - Unusual Time
02 - Unusual MCC
03 - High Risk MCC
04 - Suspicious High Dollar
05 - Suspicious Dollar Amounts
06 - Suspicious Geographic
07 - Suspicious Apprv Decln
08 - Suspicious Auth Velocity
09 - Suspicious Post Velocity
10 - Suspicious Transaction Type
11 - Suspicious Account Info
12 - Suspicious Keyed Activity
13 - Hi Risk Keyed Activity
14 - Suspicious ATM Cash
15 - Suspicious non-ATM Cash
16 - Suspicious Cash
17 - Suspicious Phone
18 - Suspicious Unattended Gas
19 - Suspicious CAT Activity
20 - High Risk MCC Amount
21 - Suspicious Foreign Activity
22 - CVV Expiration Date Mismatch
51 - Suspicious Payment Activity
52 - Suspicious Payment Amount
53 - Suspicious Payment Amount Nums
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataFalconReason3stringFalcon Reason 300 - No Code
01 - Unusual Time
02 - Unusual MCC
03 - High Risk MCC
04 - Suspicious High Dollar
05 - Suspicious Dollar Amounts
06 - Suspicious Geographic
07 - Suspicious Apprv Decln
08 - Suspicious Auth Velocity
09 - Suspicious Post Velocity
10 - Suspicious Transaction Type
11 - Suspicious Account Info
12 - Suspicious Keyed Activity
13 - Hi Risk Keyed Activity
14 - Suspicious ATM Cash
15 - Suspicious non-ATM Cash
16 - Suspicious Cash
17 - Suspicious Phone
18 - Suspicious Unattended Gas
19 - Suspicious CAT Activity
20 - High Risk MCC Amount
21 - Suspicious Foreign Activity
22 - CVV Expiration Date Mismatch
51 - Suspicious Payment Activity
52 - Suspicious Payment Amount
53 - Suspicious Payment Amount Nums
privatelyDefinedDataProcessingFlagIsAIndicatorstringVisa International Service Assessment (ISA) Indicator, used to indicate whether a transaction is single- or multi-currency.C - Single Currency ISA (0.8%)
S - Multi-Currency ISA (1.0%)
R - ISA assessed and rebated
blank - Transaction does not qualify for fee assessment
privatelyDefinedDataProcessingFlagPartialAuthIndicatorstringTransaction eligibility for Partial Authorization IndicatorY - Acquirer supports a partial authorization for transaction.
blank - Acquirer does not support a partial authorization for transaction
privatelyDefinedDataProcessingFlagSpecialTransactionIndicatorstringSpecial transaction indicatorA - Payment Account Status Inquiry (ASI) Transaction
B - Token account verification
C - Cloud based payment/HCE
D - Device Binding
T - Tokenized Message
V - Verified by Visa enrollment authorization request
blank - no special transaction considerations
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataResponseCodestringResponse code generated by Falcon Expert0 - No response code generated
1 - Approve
2 - Decline
3 - Refer
4 - Approve with identification
5 - Pick up card
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataRTDResultCodestringReal Time Decisioning result codeD - Transaction declined by RTD
R - Transaction referred by RTD
blank - No RTD result code provided.
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataScoreSourcestringDefines the Falcon processing option used.0 - No Falcon processing
1 - Online
2 - Online Plus
3 - Real-Time
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataScoreValuestringNumeric score generated by Falcon. This field is populated for Falcon Real-Time transactions only.Ranging from 0000 to 0999 Higher score indicates a greater likelihood of fraud. If the card is currently in fraud monitoring suppression, the Score Value is 9998 or 9999
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataTravelStatusIndicatorstringIndicates the cardholder's travel statusVIP Indicator - Not currently used
A - Cardholder may be traveling, destination matches
B - Cardholder may be traveling, destination unknown
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVAAConditionCode1RankstringGrouping value assigned to VAA Risk Condition Code 12 - High Risk for Fraud
1 - Medium Risk for Fraud
0 - Low Risk for Fraud
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskConditionCode1stringContains a value relative to a high-risk Compromised Account Management System (CAMS) eventScore of 0109 where a score of 09 indicates the highest risk and 01 indicates the lowest risk.
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskConditionCode2stringContains the Compromised Event Reference (CER) ID assigned to a significant CAMS event
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskConditionCode3stringReserved for future release
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskReasonstringCode that represents logic behind the VisaRiskScore
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskScorestringValue that indicates the degree of risk associated with the transaction. Higher values indicate higher authorization riskValid values - 01-99
blank if card is in fraud monitoring or data is not present
privatelyDefinedDataTransactionLevelCredentialOnFileIndicatorstringCredential On File IndicatorIndicates whether a Credential on File is presentY - Credential on File
N - Not a Credential on File
privatelyDefinedDataTransactionLevelCryptocurrencyPurchaseIndicatorstringCryptocurrency Purchase IndicatorIdentifies Visa transactions used to purchase cryptocurrencyY - Purchase of Cryptocurrency
N - Not a Purchase of Cryptocurrency
requestTypeCodestringMethod of request from the debit railsREQ-Request
retrievalReferenceNumberstringRetrieval Reference Number Defined by the network provider, useful when interfacing with the network provider's support tools or staff
settlementAmountdecimalAmount to be transferred between the acquirer and the issuer.
settlementConversionRatedecimalThe factor used in the conversion from the transaction amount to settlement amount set by the acquirer.
settlementFeeAmountdecimalSettlement Fee Amount Contains the surcharge amount (in the issuer's currency)Format: x + n8
x - fee sign
D or 0 - Debit
C - Credit
subTypestringThe description of the SubTypeCode for this transaction.
subTypeCodestringThe Merchant Category Code of the merchant where the transaction originated. Categorizes merchants with similar lines of business together.
surchargeAmountdecimalSurcharge amount applied when the transaction occurred
systemTraceAuditNumberstringSystem Trace Audit Number Defined by the network provider, useful when interfacing with the network provider's support tools or staff
terminalIdstringIdentification code of the device at the merchant that accepted the card information
toAccountIdint32Unique identifier for the customer account that was credited
toAccountNumberMaskedstringMasked version of the customer account number that was credited
toAvailableAmountdecimalBalance available for immediate withdrawal to the customer account that was credited after the credit was applied
toCategorystringCaller-specified category to which the customer account that was credited belongs
toCreatedDatedatetimeoffsetDate the customer account was created
toCustomField1stringCustomField1 property of the account object that was credited
toCustomField2stringCustomField2 property of the account object that was credited
toCustomField3stringCustomField3 property of the account object that was credited
toCustomField4stringCustomField4 property of the account object that was credited
toCustomField5stringCustomField5 property of the account object that was credited
tokenstringPayment Account Reference number (PAR) with a maximum length of 29
tokenAssuranceLevelstringCardholder Verification Method (CVM)
tokenExpirationDatestringYear and month when the token expires (YYMM)
toLegalName1stringFirst legal name used to identify the customer account that was credited
toLegalName2stringSecondary legal name used to identify the customer account that was credited
toNamestringCaller-specified, user-friendly name for the customer account that was credited
toPrimaryCustomerIdint32Denotes the customer considered the primary owner for the account that was credited
toSubCategorystringCaller-specified subcategory to which the customer account that was credited belongs
toTagstringUnique, caller-specified, identifier for the customer account that was credited
toTargetAmountdecimalAmount the customer wants the To Available Amount to reach on the account that was credited
toTargetDatedatetimeoffsetDate the customer wants the To Target Amount to be reached on the account that was credited
toTargetMetDatestringThe first date the available Amount reached or exceeded the To Target Amount on the account that was credited.
track2DataServiceCodestringService code encoded on track 2 of the card's magnetic stripe
transactionAmountdecimalFunds requested by the cardholder in the local currency of the acquirer or source location of the transaction, not including transaction fee amounts.
transactionCurrencyCodestringThe currency used in transaction amount and transaction fee amount and contains a code defining the local currency of the acquirer or source location of the transaction.
transactionFeeAmountdecimalTotal Transaction Fee Amount(Contains the surcharge amount)Format: x + n8
x - fee sign
D or 0 - Debit
C - Credit
transactionLocalDatedatetimeoffsetLocal month and day at the card acceptor location where the transaction takes place
transactionLocalTimedatetimeoffsetLocal time at the card acceptor location where the transaction takes place
transmissionDateTimedatetimeoffsetDate and time the request was submitted
typestringA human-readable representation of the type of transaction that caused this event.
typeCodestringType of transaction for request
versionint32Version of the payload in the data node
visaTransactionIdstringVisa supplied Transaction identifier

Example Payload

        "correlationId": "4cbff8ae-a362-41ab-99c6-8ace3b831e31",
        "event": {
            "acquirerInstitutionCountryCode": null,
            "additionalAmountsGratuity": null,
            "additionalAmountsPurchase": null,
            "additionalFeesCCA": 0,
            "additionalFeesICA": 0,
            "amount": 5.12,
            "cardAcceptorCountryCode": "US",
            "cardId": 10578399,
            "cardIssuanceType": "Physical",
            "cashbackAmount": 2499,
            "cashDepositAmount": 0,
            "customerId": 41116548,
            "cvv2PresenceIndicator": null,
            "cvv2Result": "N",
            "fromAccountAmount": null,
            "fromAccountId": null,
            "fromAccountNumberMasked": null,
            "fromAvailableAmount": null,
            "fromCategory": null,
            "fromCreatedDate": null,
            "fromCustomField1": null,
            "fromCustomField2": null,
            "fromCustomField3": null,
            "fromCustomField4": null,
            "fromCustomField5": null,
            "fromLegalName1": null,
            "fromLegalName2": null,
            "fromName": null,
            "fromPrimaryCustomerId": null,
            "fromSubCategory": null,
            "fromTag": null,
            "fromTargetAmount": null,
            "fromTargetDate": null,
            "fromTargetMetDate": null,
            "toAccountId": 41116551,
            "toAccountNumberMasked": "*************9813",
            "toAvailableAmount": 2000.0000,
            "toCategory": "",
            "toCreatedDate": "2025-02-11T13:36:43.6159743-06:00",
            "toCustomField1": "",
            "toCustomField2": "",
            "toCustomField3": "",
            "toCustomField4": "",
            "toCustomField5": "",
            "toLegalName1": "",
            "toLegalName2": "",
            "toName": "AccountbypbXT",
            "toPrimaryCustomerId": 41116548,
            "toSubCategory": "",
            "toTag": "mJNrkICHYQ",
            "toTargetAmount": 0,
            "toTargetDate": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999+00:00",
            "toTargetMetDate": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999+00:00",
            "messageTypeIndicator": "0200",
            "merchantCategoryCode": "5947",
            "merchantCity": "AUSTIN",
            "merchantCountryCode": "US",
            "merchantId": null,
            "merchantLocation": "Test Store - this shoul",
            "merchantStateCode": "TX",
            "merchantZipCode": null,
            "nationalPointOfServiceConditionCardPresence": "0",
            "nationalPointOfServiceConditionCardPresentation": "0",
            "nationalPointOfServiceConditionCardRetention": "0",
            "nationalPointOfServiceConditionCardTransaction": "0",
            "nationalPointOfServiceConditionSecurityCondition": "0",
            "nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalEntryCapability": "2",
            "nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalOperator": "0",
            "nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalPremises": "0",
            "nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalType": "01",
            "nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalUnattended": "0",
            "networkProviderTypeId": "VisaDps",
            "paymentAccountReferenceNumber": "10010014621056636090615846428",
            "pointOfServicePanEntryMode": "FullMagneticStripeRead",
            "pointOfServicePinEntryMode": "NoPinEntryCapability",
            "pinValidationCode": null,
            "privatelyDefinedDataAdditionalTransactionElementFallbackIndicator": null,
            "privatelyDefinedDataAcquirerNetworkIdCode": "NYC",
            "privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataFalconReason1": "00",
            "privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataFalconReason2": "00",
            "privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataFalconReason3": "00",
            "privatelyDefinedDataProcessingFlagIsAIndicator": null,
            "privatelyDefinedDataProcessingFlagPartialAuthIndicator": null,
            "privatelyDefinedDataProcessingFlagSpecialTransactionIndicator": null,
            "privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataResponseCode": "0",
            "privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataScoreSource": "1",
            "privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataScoreValue": "0000",
            "privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVAAConditionCode1Rank": "",
            "privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskConditionCode1": "",
            "privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskConditionCode2": "",
            "privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskConditionCode3": "",
            "privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskReason": "",
            "privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskScore": "",
            "privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataRTDResultCode": "",
            "privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataTravelStatusIndicator": "",
            "privatelyDefinedDataTransactionLevelCredentialOnFileIndicator": "",
            "privatelyDefinedDataTransactionLevelCryptocurrencyPurchaseIndicator": "",
            "requestTypeCode": "REQ",
            "retrievalReferenceNumber": "213070000021",
            "settlementFeeAmount": null,
            "systemTraceAuditNumber": "000002",
            "surchargeAmount": null,
            "token": null,
            "terminalId": "12345678",
            "tokenAssuranceLevel": null,
            "tokenExpirationDate": null,
            "track2DataServiceCode": null,
            "transactionFeeAmount": null,
            "version": 1,
            "typeCode": "CRDRTN",
            "subTypeCode": "5947",
            "subType": "GiftCardNoveltyAndSouvenirStores",
            "type": "Card Merchandise Return",
            "visaTransactionId": "000002202130783",
            "transactionCurrencyCode": "840",
            "transactionAmount": 5.12,
            "settlementAmount": 0,
            "settlementConversionRate": 0,
            "transmissionDateTime": "1116070439",
            "transactionLocalTime": "070439",
            "transactionLocalDate": "0211"
        "ts": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
        "idToken": "createWebhookCustomerToken"