In Auth Payload
The In Auth Transaction Decisioning Solution (In Auth) allows clients to participate in the decisioning of their customers' debit card authorization and transaction activity.Helix will issue a HTTP Post to a Webhook URL with the below identified payload properties to allow client to receive authorization and financial transaction requests and provide a decision response for Helix to complete the message processing.
Property | Type | Description |
correlationId | Guid | Correlation Identifier for track (aka ContextId ) |
event | EventPayload | Transaction information |
ts | DateTimeOffset | Time at which the object was created |
idToken | String | Customer Token |
Payload | Type | Description | Payload Data Mapping |
acquirerInstitutionCountryCode | string | Country where the acquiring institution is located | |
acquirerInstitutionId | string | Identifies the acquiring institution’s institution identification code (IID). | |
additionalAmountsGratuity | decimal | Amount of gratuity provided when the transaction occurred | |
additionalAmountsPurchase | decimal | Partial pay amount | |
additionalFeesCCA | decimal | Mastercard Currency Conversation Assessment (CCA) fees | |
additionalFeesICA | decimal | Issuer Cross-border Assessment (ICA) fees | |
amount | decimal | Amount of funds represented by the transaction | |
cardAcceptorCountryCode | string | Country code of the card acceptor | |
cardId | int32 | Unique Helix-assignedID for the card to which this event applies | |
cardIssuanceType | string | Identifies the type of card issuance | Valid values include:Physical Digital with Physical Digital without Physical Virtual |
cashbackAmount | decimal | Amount of cashback provided when the transaction occurred. | |
cashDepositAmount | decimal | Amount of cash deposited when the transaction occurred | |
customerId | int32 | Unique Helix-assigned ID for the customer | |
cvv2PresenceIndicator | string | CVV2 Presence Indicator | 0 -CVV2 Value is deliberately bypassed or is not provided by the merchant1 - CVV2 Value is present2 - CVV2 Value is on the card, but is illegible9 - Cardholder states that the card has no CVV2 imprint |
cvv2Result | string | CVV2 Result | M - CVV2 MatchN - CVV2 No MatchP - Not ProcessedS - CVV2 should be on the card, but the merchant has indicated that CVV2 is not presentU - Issuer is not certified and/or has not provided Visa with the encryption keys |
fromAccountAmount | decimal | Total balance of the debited customer account after the debit was applied, including funds with holds placed on them Represents all settled transactions to date | |
fromAccountId | int32 | Unique identifier for the debited customer account | |
fromAccountNumberMasked | string | Masked version of the account number of the debited customer account | |
fromAvailableAmount | decimal | Balance available for immediate withdrawal from the debited customer account after the debit was applied | |
fromCategory | string | Caller-specified category to which the debited customer account belongs | |
fromCreatedDate | dateimeoffset | Date customer account was created | |
fromCustomField1 | string | CustomField1 property of the account object that was debited | |
fromCustomField2 | string | CustomField2 property of the account object that was debited | |
fromCustomField3 | string | CustomField3 property of the account object that was debited | |
fromCustomField4 | string | CustomField4 property of the account object that was debited | |
fromCustomField5 | string | CustomField5 property of the account object that was debited | |
fromLegalName1 | string | First legal name used to identify the customer account that was debited | |
fromLegalName2 | string | Secondary legal name used to identify the customer account that was debited | |
fromName | string | Caller-specified, user-friendly name for the customer account that was debited | |
fromPrimaryCustomerId | int32 | Denotes the customer considered the primary owner for the account that was debited | |
fromSubCategory | string | Caller-specified subcategory to which the customer account that was debited belongs | |
fromTag | string | Unique, caller-specified identifier for the customer account that was debited | |
fromTargetAmount | decimal | Amount the customer wants the from Available Amount to reach on the account that was debited | |
fromTargetDate | datetimeoffset | Date the customer wants the from Target Amount to be reached on the account that was debited | |
fromTargetMetDate | string | First date the available Amount reached or exceeded the from Target Amount on the account that was debited | |
merchantCategoryCode | string | Two-character country abbreviation of the merchant at which the transaction originated | |
merchantCity | string | City of the merchant at which the transaction originated | |
merchantCountryCode | string | Two-character country abbreviation of the merchant at which the transaction originated | |
merchantId | string | Identification code of the merchant that accepted the card information | |
merchantLocation | string | Location of the merchant at which the transaction originated | |
merchantStateCode | string | Two-character state abbreviation of the merchant at which the transaction originated | |
merchantZipCode | string | Postal code of the merchant at which the transaction originated | |
messageTypeIndicator | string | Incoming message type | 0100 - Authorization Request0101 - Repeat Authorization Request0200 - Financial Transaction Request0201 - Repeat Financial Request |
nationalPointOfServiceConditionCardPresence | string | Card Presence | 0 - Card present1 - Card not present8 - Pre-authorized purchase |
nationalPointOfServiceConditionCardPresentation | string | Presentation Type | 0 - Customer present1 - Customer not present2 - Mail/Telephone Order (unknown classification)4 - Recurring transaction5 - Installment Payment6 - Account top up8 - Pre-authorized purchase9 - Single transaction for Mail/Telephone Order |
nationalPointOfServiceConditionCardRetention | string | Card Retention | 0 - Device does not have card retention capability1 - Device has card retention capability |
nationalPointOfServiceConditionCardTransaction | string | Card Transaction | 1 - Incremental authorization2 - Delayed charges3 - No show4 - Merchant authorized transaction5 - Resubmission6 - Reauthorization |
nationalPointOfServiceConditionSecurityCondition | string | Security Condition | 1 - Incremental authorization2 - Delayed charges3 - No show4 - Merchant authorized transaction5 - Resubmission6 - Reauthorization |
nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalEntryCapability | string | Terminal Entry Capability Mode | 0 - Unknown1 - Manual/no terminal2 - Magnetic stripe read3 - QR code4 - OCR5 - ICC6 - Key entered9 - FileS - MICR readerT - ContactlessU - Contactless via Mag Stripe Rules |
nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalOperator | string | Terminal Operator | 0 - Customer operated1 - Card acceptor-operated2 - Administrative |
nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalPremises | string | Terminal Premise | 0 - On premise1 - Off premise3 - Electronic commerce |
nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalType | string | Terminal Type | 00 - Administrative terminal01 - POS terminal02 - ATM03 - Home terminal04 - ECR05 - Dial terminal06 - Travelers check machine07 - Fuel machine08 - Scrip machine09 - Coupon machine10 - Ticket machine11 - Point-of-banking terminal12 - Teller13 - Franchise teller |
nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalUnattended | String | Terminal Unattended | 0 - Attended1 - Unattended |
networkProviderTypeId | string | Card's network provider ID | |
paymentAccountReferenceNumber | string | Payment Account Reference Number | |
pinValidationCode | string | Indicates whether the entered PIN was Valid | |
pointOfServicePanEntryMode | string | Point of Service PAN Entry Mode | Unspecified 01 - Manual02 - MagneticStripe03 - OpticalCode04 - OCR05 - IntegratedCircuitCard06 - Manual_KeyEntered07 - ContactlessChipTransactionUsingChipDataRules90 - FullMagneticStripeRead81 - Stored82 - DigitallyStoredMobileBrowser84 - MICRread91 - ContactlessChipTransactionUsingMagneticStripeDataRules95 - IntegratedCircuitCard_CVVMayBeUnreliable |
pointOfServicePinEntryMode | string | Point of Service PIN Entry Mode | 0 - Unspecified1 - PINEntryCapability2 - NoPINEntryCapability6 - PINPadInoperative |
privatelyDefinedDataAcquirerNetworkIdCode | string | Network from which DPS acquired the transaction | |
privatelyDefinedDataAdditionalTransactionElementFallbackIndicator | string | Fallback Indicator | blank or 0 - Not Fallback1 - Fallback |
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataFalconReason1 | string | Falcon Reason 1 | 00 - No Code01 - Unusual Time02 - Unusual MCC03 - High Risk MCC04 - Suspicious High Dollar05 - Suspicious Dollar Amounts06 - Suspicious Geographic07 - Suspicious Apprv Decln08 - Suspicious Auth Velocity09 - Suspicious Post Velocity10 - Suspicious Transaction Type11 - Suspicious Account Info12 - Suspicious Keyed Activity13 - Hi Risk Keyed Activity14 - Suspicious ATM Cash15 - Suspicious non-ATM Cash16 - Suspicious Cash17 - Suspicious Phone18 - Suspicious Unattended Gas19 - Suspicious CAT Activity20 - High Risk MCC Amount21 - Suspicious Foreign Activity22 - CVV Expiration Date Mismatch51 - Suspicious Payment Activity52 - Suspicious Payment Amount53 - Suspicious Payment Amount Nums |
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataFalconReason2 | string | Falcon Reason 2 | 00 - No Code01 - Unusual Time02 - Unusual MCC03 - High Risk MCC04 - Suspicious High Dollar05 - Suspicious Dollar Amounts06 - Suspicious Geographic07 - Suspicious Apprv Decln08 - Suspicious Auth Velocity09 - Suspicious Post Velocity10 - Suspicious Transaction Type11 - Suspicious Account Info12 - Suspicious Keyed Activity13 - Hi Risk Keyed Activity14 - Suspicious ATM Cash15 - Suspicious non-ATM Cash16 - Suspicious Cash17 - Suspicious Phone18 - Suspicious Unattended Gas19 - Suspicious CAT Activity20 - High Risk MCC Amount21 - Suspicious Foreign Activity22 - CVV Expiration Date Mismatch51 - Suspicious Payment Activity52 - Suspicious Payment Amount53 - Suspicious Payment Amount Nums |
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataFalconReason3 | string | Falcon Reason 3 | 00 - No Code01 - Unusual Time02 - Unusual MCC03 - High Risk MCC04 - Suspicious High Dollar05 - Suspicious Dollar Amounts06 - Suspicious Geographic07 - Suspicious Apprv Decln08 - Suspicious Auth Velocity09 - Suspicious Post Velocity10 - Suspicious Transaction Type11 - Suspicious Account Info12 - Suspicious Keyed Activity13 - Hi Risk Keyed Activity14 - Suspicious ATM Cash15 - Suspicious non-ATM Cash16 - Suspicious Cash17 - Suspicious Phone18 - Suspicious Unattended Gas19 - Suspicious CAT Activity20 - High Risk MCC Amount21 - Suspicious Foreign Activity22 - CVV Expiration Date Mismatch51 - Suspicious Payment Activity52 - Suspicious Payment Amount53 - Suspicious Payment Amount Nums |
privatelyDefinedDataProcessingFlagIsAIndicator | string | Visa International Service Assessment (ISA) Indicator, used to indicate whether a transaction is single- or multi-currency. | C - Single Currency ISA (0.8%)S - Multi-Currency ISA (1.0%)R - ISA assessed and rebatedblank - Transaction does not qualify for fee assessment |
privatelyDefinedDataProcessingFlagPartialAuthIndicator | string | Transaction eligibility for Partial Authorization Indicator | Y - Acquirer supports a partial authorization for transaction.blank - Acquirer does not support a partial authorization for transaction |
privatelyDefinedDataProcessingFlagSpecialTransactionIndicator | string | Special transaction indicator | A - Payment Account Status Inquiry (ASI) TransactionB - Token account verificationC - Cloud based payment/HCED - Device BindingT - Tokenized MessageV - Verified by Visa enrollment authorization requestblank - no special transaction considerations |
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataResponseCode | string | Response code generated by Falcon Expert | 0 - No response code generated1 - Approve2 - Decline3 - Refer4 - Approve with identification5 - Pick up card |
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataRTDResultCode | string | Real Time Decisioning result code | D - Transaction declined by RTDR - Transaction referred by RTDblank - No RTD result code provided. |
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataScoreSource | string | Defines the Falcon processing option used. | 0 - No Falcon processing1 - Online2 - Online Plus3 - Real-Time |
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataScoreValue | string | Numeric score generated by Falcon. This field is populated for Falcon Real-Time transactions only. | Ranging from 0000 to 0999 Higher score indicates a greater likelihood of fraud. If the card is currently in fraud monitoring suppression, the Score Value is 9998 or 9999 |
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataTravelStatusIndicator | string | Indicates the cardholder's travel status | VIP Indicator - Not currently usedA - Cardholder may be traveling, destination matchesB - Cardholder may be traveling, destination unknown |
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVAAConditionCode1Rank | string | Grouping value assigned to VAA Risk Condition Code 1 | 2 - High Risk for Fraud1 - Medium Risk for Fraud0 - Low Risk for Fraud |
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskConditionCode1 | string | Contains a value relative to a high-risk Compromised Account Management System (CAMS) event | Score of 01 – 09 where a score of 09 indicates the highest risk and 01 indicates the lowest risk. |
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskConditionCode2 | string | Contains the Compromised Event Reference (CER) ID assigned to a significant CAMS event | |
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskConditionCode3 | string | Reserved for future release | |
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskReason | string | Code that represents logic behind the VisaRiskScore | |
privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskScore | string | Value that indicates the degree of risk associated with the transaction. Higher values indicate higher authorization risk | Valid values - 01 -99 blank if card is in fraud monitoring or data is not present |
privatelyDefinedDataTransactionLevelCredentialOnFileIndicator | string | Credential On File IndicatorIndicates whether a Credential on File is present | Y - Credential on FileN - Not a Credential on File |
privatelyDefinedDataTransactionLevelCryptocurrencyPurchaseIndicator | string | Cryptocurrency Purchase IndicatorIdentifies Visa transactions used to purchase cryptocurrency | Y - Purchase of CryptocurrencyN - Not a Purchase of Cryptocurrency |
requestTypeCode | string | Method of request from the debit rails | REQ -Request |
retrievalReferenceNumber | string | Retrieval Reference Number Defined by the network provider, useful when interfacing with the network provider's support tools or staff | |
settlementAmount | decimal | Amount to be transferred between the acquirer and the issuer. | |
settlementConversionRate | decimal | The factor used in the conversion from the transaction amount to settlement amount set by the acquirer. | |
settlementFeeAmount | decimal | Settlement Fee Amount Contains the surcharge amount (in the issuer's currency) | Format: x + n8 x - fee sign D or 0 - DebitC - Credit |
subType | string | The description of the SubTypeCode for this transaction. | |
subTypeCode | string | The Merchant Category Code of the merchant where the transaction originated. Categorizes merchants with similar lines of business together. | |
surchargeAmount | decimal | Surcharge amount applied when the transaction occurred | |
systemTraceAuditNumber | string | System Trace Audit Number Defined by the network provider, useful when interfacing with the network provider's support tools or staff | |
terminalId | string | Identification code of the device at the merchant that accepted the card information | |
toAccountId | int32 | Unique identifier for the customer account that was credited | |
toAccountNumberMasked | string | Masked version of the customer account number that was credited | |
toAvailableAmount | decimal | Balance available for immediate withdrawal to the customer account that was credited after the credit was applied | |
toCategory | string | Caller-specified category to which the customer account that was credited belongs | |
toCreatedDate | datetimeoffset | Date the customer account was created | |
toCustomField1 | string | CustomField1 property of the account object that was credited | |
toCustomField2 | string | CustomField2 property of the account object that was credited | |
toCustomField3 | string | CustomField3 property of the account object that was credited | |
toCustomField4 | string | CustomField4 property of the account object that was credited | |
toCustomField5 | string | CustomField5 property of the account object that was credited | |
token | string | Payment Account Reference number (PAR) with a maximum length of 29 | |
tokenAssuranceLevel | string | Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) | |
tokenExpirationDate | string | Year and month when the token expires (YYMM) | |
toLegalName1 | string | First legal name used to identify the customer account that was credited | |
toLegalName2 | string | Secondary legal name used to identify the customer account that was credited | |
toName | string | Caller-specified, user-friendly name for the customer account that was credited | |
toPrimaryCustomerId | int32 | Denotes the customer considered the primary owner for the account that was credited | |
toSubCategory | string | Caller-specified subcategory to which the customer account that was credited belongs | |
toTag | string | Unique, caller-specified, identifier for the customer account that was credited | |
toTargetAmount | decimal | Amount the customer wants the To Available Amount to reach on the account that was credited | |
toTargetDate | datetimeoffset | Date the customer wants the To Target Amount to be reached on the account that was credited | |
toTargetMetDate | string | The first date the available Amount reached or exceeded the To Target Amount on the account that was credited. | |
track2DataServiceCode | string | Service code encoded on track 2 of the card's magnetic stripe | |
transactionAmount | decimal | Funds requested by the cardholder in the local currency of the acquirer or source location of the transaction, not including transaction fee amounts. | |
transactionCurrencyCode | string | The currency used in transaction amount and transaction fee amount and contains a code defining the local currency of the acquirer or source location of the transaction. | |
transactionFeeAmount | decimal | Total Transaction Fee Amount(Contains the surcharge amount) | Format: x + n8 x - fee sign D or 0 - DebitC - Credit |
transactionLocalDate | datetimeoffset | Local month and day at the card acceptor location where the transaction takes place | |
transactionLocalTime | datetimeoffset | Local time at the card acceptor location where the transaction takes place | |
transmissionDateTime | datetimeoffset | Date and time the request was submitted | |
type | string | A human-readable representation of the type of transaction that caused this event. | |
typeCode | string | Type of transaction for request | |
version | int32 | Version of the payload in the data node | |
visaTransactionId | string | Visa supplied Transaction identifier |
Example Payload
"correlationId": "4cbff8ae-a362-41ab-99c6-8ace3b831e31",
"event": {
"acquirerInstitutionCountryCode": null,
"additionalAmountsGratuity": null,
"additionalAmountsPurchase": null,
"additionalFeesCCA": 0,
"additionalFeesICA": 0,
"amount": 5.12,
"cardAcceptorCountryCode": "US",
"cardId": 10578399,
"cardIssuanceType": "Physical",
"cashbackAmount": 2499,
"cashDepositAmount": 0,
"customerId": 41116548,
"cvv2PresenceIndicator": null,
"cvv2Result": "N",
"fromAccountAmount": null,
"fromAccountId": null,
"fromAccountNumberMasked": null,
"fromAvailableAmount": null,
"fromCategory": null,
"fromCreatedDate": null,
"fromCustomField1": null,
"fromCustomField2": null,
"fromCustomField3": null,
"fromCustomField4": null,
"fromCustomField5": null,
"fromLegalName1": null,
"fromLegalName2": null,
"fromName": null,
"fromPrimaryCustomerId": null,
"fromSubCategory": null,
"fromTag": null,
"fromTargetAmount": null,
"fromTargetDate": null,
"fromTargetMetDate": null,
"toAccountId": 41116551,
"toAccountNumberMasked": "*************9813",
"toAvailableAmount": 2000.0000,
"toCategory": "",
"toCreatedDate": "2025-02-11T13:36:43.6159743-06:00",
"toCustomField1": "",
"toCustomField2": "",
"toCustomField3": "",
"toCustomField4": "",
"toCustomField5": "",
"toLegalName1": "",
"toLegalName2": "",
"toName": "AccountbypbXT",
"toPrimaryCustomerId": 41116548,
"toSubCategory": "",
"toTag": "mJNrkICHYQ",
"toTargetAmount": 0,
"toTargetDate": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999+00:00",
"toTargetMetDate": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999+00:00",
"messageTypeIndicator": "0200",
"merchantCategoryCode": "5947",
"merchantCity": "AUSTIN",
"merchantCountryCode": "US",
"merchantId": null,
"merchantLocation": "Test Store - this shoul",
"merchantStateCode": "TX",
"merchantZipCode": null,
"nationalPointOfServiceConditionCardPresence": "0",
"nationalPointOfServiceConditionCardPresentation": "0",
"nationalPointOfServiceConditionCardRetention": "0",
"nationalPointOfServiceConditionCardTransaction": "0",
"nationalPointOfServiceConditionSecurityCondition": "0",
"nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalEntryCapability": "2",
"nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalOperator": "0",
"nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalPremises": "0",
"nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalType": "01",
"nationalPointOfServiceConditionTerminalUnattended": "0",
"networkProviderTypeId": "VisaDps",
"paymentAccountReferenceNumber": "10010014621056636090615846428",
"pointOfServicePanEntryMode": "FullMagneticStripeRead",
"pointOfServicePinEntryMode": "NoPinEntryCapability",
"pinValidationCode": null,
"privatelyDefinedDataAdditionalTransactionElementFallbackIndicator": null,
"privatelyDefinedDataAcquirerNetworkIdCode": "NYC",
"privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataFalconReason1": "00",
"privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataFalconReason2": "00",
"privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataFalconReason3": "00",
"privatelyDefinedDataProcessingFlagIsAIndicator": null,
"privatelyDefinedDataProcessingFlagPartialAuthIndicator": null,
"privatelyDefinedDataProcessingFlagSpecialTransactionIndicator": null,
"privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataResponseCode": "0",
"privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataScoreSource": "1",
"privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataScoreValue": "0000",
"privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVAAConditionCode1Rank": "",
"privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskConditionCode1": "",
"privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskConditionCode2": "",
"privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskConditionCode3": "",
"privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskReason": "",
"privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataVisaRiskScore": "",
"privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataRTDResultCode": "",
"privatelyDefinedDataRiskDataTravelStatusIndicator": "",
"privatelyDefinedDataTransactionLevelCredentialOnFileIndicator": "",
"privatelyDefinedDataTransactionLevelCryptocurrencyPurchaseIndicator": "",
"requestTypeCode": "REQ",
"retrievalReferenceNumber": "213070000021",
"settlementFeeAmount": null,
"systemTraceAuditNumber": "000002",
"surchargeAmount": null,
"token": null,
"terminalId": "12345678",
"tokenAssuranceLevel": null,
"tokenExpirationDate": null,
"track2DataServiceCode": null,
"transactionFeeAmount": null,
"version": 1,
"typeCode": "CRDRTN",
"subTypeCode": "5947",
"subType": "GiftCardNoveltyAndSouvenirStores",
"type": "Card Merchandise Return",
"visaTransactionId": "000002202130783",
"transactionCurrencyCode": "840",
"transactionAmount": 5.12,
"settlementAmount": 0,
"settlementConversionRate": 0,
"transmissionDateTime": "1116070439",
"transactionLocalTime": "070439",
"transactionLocalDate": "0211"
"ts": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"idToken": "createWebhookCustomerToken"
Updated 3 days ago