Card Controls

The card control object is the container for all of the rules you want to apply to a Helix debit card, and can contain multiple rules. Each cardControlRule object is a rule you’re applying to the targeted Helix debit card, which is how we can support multi-tenancy with any combination of program applied or customer applied rules within the same card control object.

cardControl Object

PropertyData Type (length)Description
cardControlIdlong integer (64-bit integer)The Helix-assigned unique ID for the card control
cardIdintegerThe Helix-assigned unique ID for the card
rulesarrayAn ordered array of one or more cardControlRule objects in the order they will execute.
tagstring (50)A caller-specified, unique identifier for this control. Must be unique within your program.

cardControlRule Object

PropertyData Type (length)Description
domesticbooleanMatch domestic (US states + DC + military bases) transactions.
entryMethodarrayAn array of allowed PAN entry method(s). Possible values:
- CP: Card Present
- DP: Device Present
- CNP: Card Not Present
- IAP: In App Purchase
Example: ["CP", "IAP"]
internationalbooleanMatch non-US transactions.
limitdecimal0: Decline all transactions matching this rule.
Value > 0 : Limit approved transaction amount to this value.
Null : Allow transactions matching this rule.
Value < 0 : Invalid.
mccsarrayA an array of Merchant Category Codes to match.
Example: ["2741", "5912", "7512"]
merchantGroupsarrayAn array of Merchant Group Codes to match.
Example: ["CASH", "TRAVEL"]
sourceenumCustomer or Program to denote the origin of this rule.
tagstring (50)A caller-specified, unique identifier for this
rule. Must be unique within its parent card control.
usStatesarrayAn array of US states to match.
Example: ["CA", "TX", "NE" "IA"]