Reissue a card

Reissue a card and send a new physical card to a customer (when applicable).

Card must be in an eligible status listed below to perform a card renewal:

  • Verified
  • Reissued
  • DigitalActivePhysicalIntiated
  • DigitalActivePhysicalPending

If reissueReasonTypeCode=DMG, a new card number is not generated and, if applicable, a new physical card is sent to the customer. If reissueReasonTypeCode=REN, a new card number is not generated, the expiration date is updated, and, if applicable, a new physical card is sent to the customer. All other reissueReasonTypeCode values will generate a new card number.

Depending on the previous card and reason for reissue, this endpoint will return a card object with the following:

TypeReasonCard Number (PAN)Card Object Status
DigitalFraud, Lost, StolenNewstatus=Verified
DigitalRenewalSame, with new expiration date and CVV2status=Verified
DigitalCompromised, Name changeNewstatus=Verified
Digital w/ physicalPhysical damageSamestatus=Verified unless program requires verification for reissues then status=DigitalActivePhysicalPending
Digital w/ physicalFraud, Lost, StolenNewstatus=DigitalActivePhysicalPending
Digital w/ physicalRenewalSame, with new expirationstatus=ReissuePendingVerification
Digital w/ physicalCompromised, Name changeNewOld cardId status=Verified new cardId status=DigitalActivePhysicalPending. Once verified, new cardId status=Verified and old cardId status=Archived
PhysicalPhysical DamageSamestatus=Verified unless program requires verification for reissues then status=PendingVerification
PhysicalFraud, Lost, StolenNewstatus=PendingVerification
PhysicalRenewalSame, with new expiration date and CVV2status=ReissuePendingVerification
PhysicalCompromised, Name changeNewOld cardId status=Verified new cardId status=PendingVerification. Once verified, new cardId status=Verified and old cardId status=Archived

Error Codes

Click to expand
CodeMessage (en-US)Notes
1-60000Any "Common Error Code" may occur.See Common Error Codes
Any error codes associated with card locking.See /card/lock
Any error codes associated with card initiation.See /card/initiate
Any error codes associated with card create digital.See [/card/createdigital]
63502Requesting customer does not have 'FULL' access to account id ’42031914'.
150230Another card for CustomerId {request.customerId} is using NickName of {request.nickName}. NickName must be unique.This error occurs when a new renewal newCardId exists and is in a status= ReissuedPendingVerification or AutoReissuedPendingVerification and a reissue is attempted due to a lost card but the oldCardID is still in a status=Verified. To resolve, hotlist the oldCardID via card/hotlist route and then reissue the newCardID as lost.
150504CardId {request.cardId} has been locked by the System and cannot be unlocked by a customer.
153001Invalid reissueReasonTypeCode '{request.reissueReasonTypeCode}'. Please refer to API documentation for valid types.
153002CardId {request.cardId} is not associated with CustomerId {request.customerId}.
153003CardId {request.cardId} status is {card.status}. Must be Verified, Expired, or PendingVerification.
153004CardId {request.cardId} is digital-only. Cannot reissue a digital-only card. For digital-only cards use /card/hotlist then /card/createDigital to issue a new digital-only card.
153005Physical card order option not available for issuance type.
153006CardId '{request.cardId}' status is '{card.status}' and cannot be reissued.
153007Digital card reissue option not available for reissueReasonTypeCode '{request.reissueReasonTypeCode}'.
198120CardId {reissueReasonTypeCodecardId} status is {card.status} and cannot be renewed.
198121Card {request.cardld} cannot be renewed before the renewal period.
198122Card {request.cardId} cannot be used after the card expiration date.
198123Reissued cardId {request.cardid} already exists for cardId {request.cardid}.
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