Create a transfer

Transfer funds from one account to another. Results in a new transaction which can be retrieved via the various /transaction/* endpoints. See transfer object definition for parameter details.

Error Codes

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CodeMessage (en-US)Notes
1-60000Any "Common Error Code" may occur.See Common Error Codes
63601Invalid source account id {0}.
63602Destination account id {0} is closed.
63603Source account id {0} is not in a Verified status.
63610Invalid destination account id {0}.
63611Source account id {0} is inactive.
63612Source account id {0} is frozen.
63613Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
63641Amount to withdraw must be between {0:C} and {1:C}.
63642Cannot withdraw more than {0:C} per day from source account {1}.
63643Cannot withdraw more than {0:C} per month from source account {1}.
63644Cannot withdraw more than {0:C} per day for this program.
63650Amount to deposit must be between {0:C} and {1:C}.
63651Cannot deposit more than {0:C} per day to destination account {1}.
63652Cannot deposit more than {0:C} per month to destination account {1}.
63653Cannot deposit more than {0:C} per day for this program.
63654Cannot exceed maximum aggregate balance of {0:C} (including pending transactions).
63655Cannot exceed maximum account balance of {0:C} (including pending transactions).
63660Transaction with tag '{0}' already exists.
63661Cannot deposit more than {0:C} per day for this customer.
63662Cannot deposit more than {0:C} per month for this customer.
63663Cannot deposit more than {0:C}.
63664Customer id {0} has insufficient privileges to deposit funds into account id {1}.
63665Cannot request a same day settlement beyond the daily deadline of {1}.
63666Same day settlement transactions cannot exceed $25,000.
63667No Same Day ACH Settlement Time configured for program {0}.
63668Cannot request a same day settlement on a weekend or a banking holiday.
63669Same day settlement transactions cannot exceed $100,000.
63670Destination account id {0} is locked.
63671Source account does not allow debit transactions.
63701Invalid source account id {0}.
63702Source account id {0} is closed.
63703Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
63710Invalid destination account id {0}.
63711Destination account id {0} is inactive.
63712Destination account id {0} is locked.
63713Destination account id {0} is not in a Verified status.
63714Cannot withdraw more than {0} times per month from source account {1}.
63740Insufficient funds in source account id {0}. Current available balance is {1:C}. Requested withdraw amount is {2:C}.
63741Amount to withdraw must be between {0:C} and {1:C}.
63742Cannot withdraw more than {0:C} per day from source account {1}.
63743Cannot withdraw more than {0:C} per month from source account {1}.
63744Cannot withdraw more than {0:C} per day for this program.
63745Cannot withdraw from savings account {0} more than 6 times per month (per RegD).
63750Amount to deposit must be between {0:C} and {1:C}.
63751Cannot deposit more than {0:C} per day to destination account {1}.
63752Cannot deposit more than {0:C} per month to destination account {1}.
63753Cannot deposit more than {0:C} per day for this program.
63760Transaction with tag '{0}' already exists.
63762Cannot withdraw more than {0:C} per day for this customer.
63763Cannot withdraw more than {0:C} per month for this customer.
63764Customer id {0} has insufficient privileges to withdraw funds from account id {1}.
63765Cannot request a same day settlement beyond the daily deadline of {1}.
63766Same day settlement transactions cannot exceed $25,000.
63767No Same Day ACH Settlement Time configured for program {0}.
63768Cannot request a same day settlement on a weekend or a banking holiday.
63769Same day settlement transactions cannot exceed $100,000.
63801Invalid source account id {0}.
63802Invalid destination account id {0}.
63803Transaction with tag '{0}' already exists.
63804Insufficient funds in source account id {0}. Current available balance is {1:C}. Requested withdraw amount is {2:C}.
63805Amount to withdaw must be between {0:C} and {1:C}.
63806Amount to withdaw must be between {0:C} and {1:C}.
63807Amount to deposit must be between {0:C} and {1:C}.
63808Source and destination account must be different.
63809Cannot exceed maximum account balance of {0:C} (including pending transactions).
63810Customer id {0} has insufficient privileges to withdraw funds from account id {1}.
63811Customer id {0} has insufficient privileges to deposit funds into account id {1}.
63812Source account id {0} is closed.
63813Destination account id {0} is closed.
63814Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
63815Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
63901Invalid source account id {0}.
64001Invalid destination account id {0}.
64002Insufficient funds in Program Account.
64101Invalid source account id {0}.
64102Transaction with tag '{0}' already exists.
64103FullAmount ({0}) or RetailClearingAmount ({1}) or CoreProAmount ({2}) is not specified.
64104FullAmount ({0}) <> RetailClearingAmount ({1}) + CoreProAmount ({2}).
64105Insufficient funds in source account id {0}. Current available balance is {1:C}. Requested withdraw amount is {2:C}.
64106Customer id {0} has insufficient privileges to withdraw funds from account id {1}.
64107Source account id {0} is closed.
64108Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
64201Insufficient funds in source account id {0}. Current available balance is {1:C}. Requested withdraw amount is {2:C}. RegD fee amount is {3:C}.
64301Transaction with tag '{0}' already exists.
64401Transaction with tag '{0}' already exists.
64402Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
64501Transaction with tag '{0}' already exists.
64502Transaction with tag ''{0}'' already exists.
64503Insufficient funds in source account id {0}. Current available balance is {1:C}.
64504Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
64601Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
65001Invalid source account id {0}.
65002Invalid destination account id {0}.
65003At least one account must not be an external account.
65004Invalid source account id {0} or destination account id {1} ({2}).
65005Tag '{0}' already exists. If provided, each transfer created must have a unique tag.
65006Amount {0} is invalid because it has more than {1} significant digits to the right of the decimal.
65007Customer id ''{0}'' has insufficient privileges to deposit funds into account id ''{1}.''
65008Valid transfer amount has to be greater than $0.00 Passed in transfer amount of {0:C} is an invalid transfer amount.
65013Invalid Purpose Code for Program
65101TransactionId {0} or Tag "{1}" was not found
65102Transfer for TransactionId {0} cannot be voided because its current status is {1}. Only those with a status of Initiated can be voided.
65103Transfer for TransactionId {0} cannot be voided because its type is {1}.
65200Transaction status must be Settled to perform a Reversal. Current status = {0} for transactionId = {1}.
65401Invalid source account id {0}.
65402Invalid destination account id {0}.
65403Customer id ''{0}'' has insufficient privileges to deposit funds into account id ''{1}.''
65404Transaction with Tag {0} already exists.
65405Destination account id {0} is closed.
65406Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
67301Invalid destination account id {0}.
67302Customer id {0} has insufficient privileges to deposit funds into account id {1}.
67303Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
67401Invalid source account id {0}.
67402Invalid destination account id {0}.
67403Amount must be a positive value.
67404Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
67405Insufficient funds in Program Account.
67501Invalid source account id {0}.
67502Transaction with tag '{0}' already exists.
67503Insufficient funds in source account id {0}. Current available balance is {1:C}. Requested withdraw amount is {2:C}.
67504Customer id {0} has insufficient privileges to withdraw funds from account id {1}.
67505Source account id {0} is closed.
67506Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
67601Invalid source account id {0}.
67602Insufficient funds in source account id {0}. Current available balance is {1:C}. Requested withdraw amount is {2:C}.
67603Customer id {0} has insufficient privileges to withdraw funds from account id {1}.
67604Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
67701Invalid source account id {0}.
67702Insufficient funds in source account id {0}. Current available balance is {1:C}. Requested withdraw amount is {2:C}.
67703Customer id {0} has insufficient privileges to withdraw funds from account id {1}.
67704Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
67801Invalid destination account id {0}.
67802Customer id {0} has insufficient privileges to deposit funds into account id {1}.
67803Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
68401Invalid destination account id {0}.
68402Destination account id {0} is not open.
68403Customer id {0} has insufficient privileges to deposit funds into account id {1}.
68404Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
68701Invalid source account id {0}.
68702Invalid destination account id {0}.
68703Transaction with tag '{0}' already exists.
68704Destination account id {0} is closed.
68705Insufficient funds in Program Reserve Account.
68706Customer id ''{0}'' has insufficient privileges to deposit funds into account id ''{1}.''
68707Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
68801Invalid destination account id {0}.
68803Transaction with Tag {0} already exists.
68804Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
68901Invalid destination account id {0}.
68903Transaction with Tag {0} already exists.
68904Insufficient Funds in program Account.
68951Invalid source account id {0}.
68952Invalid destination account id {0}.
68953Transaction with Tag {0} already exists.
68954Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
69401Must be an administrator to transfer funds from account {0} to the ProgramReserve account.
69402Invalid source account id {0}.
69403Given destination account id {0} is not configured as a ProgramReserve account for program {1}.
69404Insufficient funds in source account id {0}. Current available balance is {1:C}. Requested withdraw amount is {2:C}.
69405Invalid source account id {0}.
69406Customer id {0} has insufficient privileges to withdraw funds from account id {1}.
69407Source account id {0} is closed.
69408Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
69600Invalid source account id {0}.
69601Transaction with Tag {0} already exists.
69602Insufficient Funds in program account.
69701Invalid source account id {0}.
69703Customer id {0} has insufficient privileges to withdraw funds from account id {1}.
69704Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
69800No InterestExpense Account configured for program {0}.
69801Invalid destination account id {0}.
69802Transaction with Tag {0} already exists.
69803Destination account id {0} is closed.
69804Customer id ''{0}'' has insufficient privileges to deposit funds into account id ''{1}.''
69805Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
70200Invalid source account id {0}.
70201Customer id {0} has insufficient privileges to withdraw funds from account id {1}.
70202Source account id {0} is not in an Open status.
70203Cannot withdraw more than {0:C}.
70204Insufficient funds in source account id {0}. Current available balance is {1:C}. Requested withdraw amount is {2:C}.
70205Amount to withdraw must be between {0:C} and {1:C}.
70206Cannot withdraw more than {0:C} per day for this customer.
70207Cannot withdraw more than {0:C} per month for this customer.
70208Cannot withdraw more than {0:C} per day from source account {1}.
70209Cannot withdraw more than {0:C} per month from source account {1}.
70211Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
70300Invalid destination account id {0}.
70301Customer id {0} has insufficient privileges to deposit funds into account id {1}.
70302Destination account id {0} is not in an Open status.
70303Cannot deposit more than {0:C}.
70304Amount to deposit must be between {0:C} and {1:C}.
70305Cannot deposit more than {0:C} per day for this customer.
70306Cannot deposit more than {0:C} per month for this customer.
70307Cannot deposit more than {0:C} per day to destination account {1}.
70308Cannot deposit more than {0:C} per month to destination account {1}.
70309Cannot exceed maximum account balance of {0:C} (including pending transactions).
70310Cannot exceed maximum aggregate balance of {0:C} (including pending transactions).
70311Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
70400Insufficient funds in Program Clearing Account.
70500Insufficient funds in Program Reserve Account.
70600Insufficient funds in Program Reserve Account.
70700Insufficient funds in Program Account.
108001Invalid account id {0}.
108002Customer id ''{0}'' has insufficient privileges to deposit funds into account id ''{1}.''
108003Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
108004Insufficient funds in Program Account.
108101Invalid source account id {0}.
108102Invalid destination account id {0}.
108103Customer id ''{0}'' has insufficient privileges to deposit funds into account id ''{1}.''
108104Account is temporarily locked (Reason={0}).
108105Insufficient funds in Program Account.
199101Cannot withdraw more than {0:C} per transaction from source account {1}.
199102Cannot withdraw more than {0:C} per day from source account {1}.
199103Cannot withdraw more than {0:C} per month from source account {1}.
199104Cannot deposit more than {0:C} per transaction to destination account {1}.
199105Cannot deposit more than {0:C} per day to destination account {1}.
199106Cannot deposit more than {0:C} per month to destination account {1}.
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