Account Entitlement
An accountEntitlement
object represents the access a customer has to a business account.
accountEntitlement Object
Property | Data Type (length) | Description |
accountId | integer | The helix-assigned unique ID for the account |
businessCustomerId | integer | The helix-assigned unique ID for the business customer who owns the account |
businessLegalName | string | customerId 's businessLegalName info (if they're a business) |
customerId | integer | The helix-assigned unique ID for the customer who has the entitlement to the account |
doingBusinessAs | string | customerId 's doingBusinessAs info (if they're a business) |
effectiveDate | datetime | |
entitlement | enum | The type of entitlement customerId has to accountId . |
firstName | string | customerId 's firstName info (if they're an individual) |
isControlPerson | boolean | true if the customer is designated as the business' control person |
isPrimaryContact | boolean | true if the customer is designated as the business' primary contact |
lastName | string | customerId 's lastName info (if they're an individual) |
legalName1 | string | customerId 's legalName1 info (if they're an individual) |
legalName2 | string | customerId 's legalName2 info (if they're an individual) |
Updated 29 days ago