Account Entitlement

An accountEntitlement object represents the access a customer has to a business account.

accountEntitlement Object

PropertyData Type (length)Description
accountIdintegerThe helix-assigned unique ID for the account
businessCustomerIdintegerThe helix-assigned unique ID for the business customer who owns the account
businessLegalNamestringcustomerId's businessLegalName info (if they're a business)
customerIdintegerThe helix-assigned unique ID for the customer who has the entitlement to the account
doingBusinessAsstringcustomerId's doingBusinessAs info (if they're a business)
entitlementenumThe type of entitlement customerId has to accountId.
firstNamestringcustomerId's firstName info (if they're an individual)
isControlPersonbooleantrue if the customer is designated as the business' control person
isPrimaryContactbooleantrue if the customer is designated as the business' primary contact
lastNamestringcustomerId's lastName info (if they're an individual)
legalName1stringcustomerId's legalName1 info (if they're an individual)
legalName2stringcustomerId's legalName2 info (if they're an individual)