Account Beneficiary

The Account Beneficiary object links a Customer Beneficiary to a specific Account

accountBeneficiary Object

PropertyData Type (length)Description
accountIdintegerThe Helix-assigned unique ID for the Account
accountLegalName1stringthe legalName1 property of the Account
accountLegalName2stringthe legalName2 property of the Account
accountNamestringthe accountName property of the Account
accountNumberstringthe accountNumber property of the Account
accountNumberMaskedstringthe accountNumberMasked property of the Account
addressLine1stringthe addressLine1 property of the Customer Beneficiary
addressLine2stringthe addressLine2 property of the Customer Beneficiary
addressLine3stringthe addressLine3 property of the Customer Beneficiary
addressLine4stringthe addressLine4 property of the Customer Beneficiary
birthDatedatetimethe birthDate property of the Customer Beneficiary
citystringthe city property of the Customer Beneficiary
countrystringthe country property of the Customer Beneficiary
customerBeneficiaryIdintegerThe Helix-assigned unique ID for the Customer Beneficiary
customerIdintegerThe Helix-assigned unique ID for the Customer who owns the Account
distributionDescriptionstringFree-form text to describe the distribution. Example: 50%
firstNamestringThe firstName property of the Customer Beneficiary
lastNamestringThe lastName property of the Customer Beneficiary
middleNamestringThe middleName property of the Customer Beneficiary
postalCodestringThe postalCode property of the Customer Beneficiary
statestringThe state property of the Customer Beneficiary
taxIdMaskedstringThe taxIdMasked property of the Customer Beneficiary