Create an external account

Create a new external account with status=Verified. See externalAccount object definition for parameter details.


This endpoint is intended to be used in combination with an external IAV service such as Plaid and must be enabled for your program before use.

Error Codes

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CodeMessage (en-US)Notes
1-60000Any "Common Error Code" may occur.See Common Error Codes
62001At most {0} external account(s) may be added.
62002Invalid Type: ''{request.type}''. Refer to API documentation for valid types.
62003Tag {request.tag} is already associated with another external account.
62004External account archival limit reached for today.
62005Either FirstName or LastName must be provided, preferably both.
62006Routing number is a required field.
62007Account number is a required field.
62008Account number invalid, please refer to API documentation for valid characters
62009Account number must be no more than 17 digits in length.
69203Routing number is a required field.
62013BusinessName is a required field for account type {request.type}
62014External Account creation is not enabled
62011FirstName is a required field for account type {request.type}.
62012LastName is a required field for account type {request.type}.
62618requestingCustomerId '{request.requestingCustomerId}' does not have permission to manage external accounts for customerId '{request.customerId}'
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