The following are errors that can happen on any request to Helix depending on the request parameters, origin, intermediate network, etc. If present, these values will appear in the errors
property of the API response.
Code | Message (en-US) | HTTP Status Code | Notes |
50401 | User is not authorized | 401 | Check your configuration for proper Helix API Key and Secret values against those in Helix Admin console. Existing ones may have expired. |
50403 | IP is not trusted | 403 | Check the IP of the request. If it is a valid IP, contact to whitelist it. |
50404 | The requested resource was not found | 404 | The route is invalid or is not supported in the version associated with your API Key. |
50405 | The requested HTTP method is not allowed | 405 | The route accepts a different HTTP method - did you issue a POST when you should have issued a GET for a particular route? |
50429 | Rate limit exceeded | 429 | Too many requests within a certain timeslice for your API Key. Wait a small amount of time and retry the request. If this happens regularly, contact Helix support to increase your rate limit (additional fee may be applied). |
50500 | Internal Server Error | 500 | Helix is experiencing issues. Please share your requestId with |
50501 | Not Implemented | 501 | The route is invalid. Verify your code is calling a documented Helix route. |
50502 | Bad Gateway | 502 | Network connectivity issues between your server and Helix servers, or Helix is down for maintenance. Investigate, and if issues persist, contact |
50503 | Service Unavailable | 503 | Helix servers are unavailable. You will need to try your request later. |
50504 | Gateway Timeout | 504 | Network connectivity issues between your server and Helix servers, or Helix is down for maintenance. Investigate, and if issues persist, contact |
50505 | HTTP Version Not Supported | 505 | HTTP/1.1 must be specified when using Helix. Change your code to issue HTTP/1.1 requests. |
50902 | Program does not have a BIN mapped to it. | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
50904 | New PIN Encryption failed. | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
52998 | Internal Server Error. Incident Id : {0} | 500 | This is the catch-all error number for an internal server error. Please contact with the Incidient Id provided in the message. |
58150 | QualiFile service call error received | 500 | The content of this error message may be replaced by the actual one received from the QualiFile service call. |
59001 | No VerificationFundsAccount configured for program {0} | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
59002 | No RetailClearingAccount configured for program {0} | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
59003 | No ProgramExternalAccount configured for program {0} | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
59004 | No BankIncomeAccount configured for program {0} | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
59005 | No RegDFeeAmtForExceedingMonthlyMax configured for program {0} | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
59006 | No RegDMonthlyTransWithdrawCountMax configured for program {0} | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
59007 | Internal to Internal transfer is disabled for program {0} | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
59008 | AllowedAccountTypeId is not configured properly for program {0} | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
59009 | Program {0} does not have recurring contributions enabled | 400 | You are unable to do recurring contributions because it is disabled for your program. |
59010 | Program {0} is not configured to require external account verification. Call /externalAccount/create instead | 400 | Call /externalAccount/create instead. |
59011 | Program {0} is configured to require external account verification. Call /externalAccount/initiate instead | 400 | Call /externalAccount/initiate instead. |
59012 | Program {0} is missing a ProgramReport record for the given date range and program | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
59013 | No ProgramClearingAccount configured for program {0} | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
59014 | No MiscellaneousAccount configured for program {0} | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
59015 | No GeneralJournalAccount configured for program {0} | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
59016 | No CashAccount configured for program {0} | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
59017 | No RetailExternalAccount configured for program {0} | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
59018 | No ProgramEcode.PercentToClient configured for program {0} | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
59019 | No ProgramEcode.PercentToCorePro configured for program {0} | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
59020 | Program {0} does not have account type {1} enabled. | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
59102 | No ProgramClearingAccount linked to ProgramExternalAccount {0} | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
59103 | All card numbers are already allocated for Program {0} | 400 | Your program is configured incorrectly. Contact |
59109 | Peer-to-peer transfers are not enabled for your program | 400 | Use of peer-to-peer (P2P) transfer functionality requires approval from Q2 and your bank partner. Please contact your Client Success Manager for more info. |
59900 | Could not convert {0} to {1}: {2}. Path '{3}', line {4}, position {5}. | 400 | Invalid value passed in for a JSON property. The value could not be converted to the proper type. {0} = JSON type, {1} = destination type, {2} = value, {3} = property name, {4} = line number, {5} = character position. e.g.: "Could not convert string to decimal: 11..04. Path 'recurringContributionAmount', line 9, position 42." |
59901 | Invalid JavaScript property identifier character: {0}. Path '{1}', line {2}, position {3}. | 400 | Property name is missing opening quote character ('"'). {0} = property name, {1} = line number, {2} = character position. e.g.: "Invalid JavaScript property identifier character: ". Path 'targetDate', line 13, position 7." |
59902 | Expected ':' but got: {0}. Path '{1}', line {2}, position {3}. | 400 | Property name is missing closing quote character ('"'). {0} = first character of property name, {1} = property name, {2} = line number, {3} = character position. e.g.: "Expected ':' but got: S. Path 'targetDate', line 13, position 11." |
59903 | Invalid character after parsing property name. Expected ':' but got: =. Path '{0}', line {1}, position {2}. | 400 | Attempting to use "=" instead of ":" to separate property name and its value. {0} = property name (typically the name of the previous property, not the one with the issue), {1} = line number, {2} = character position. e.g.: "Invalid character after parsing property name. Expected ':' but got: =. Path 'tag', line 11, position 18." |
59904 | Error reading {0}. Unexpected token: StartArray. Path '{1}', line {2}, position {3}. | 400 | Passed an array value to a property which is not an array. {0} = destination type, {1} = property name, {2} = line number, {3} = character position. e.g.: "Error reading string. Unexpected token: StartArray. Path 'tag', line 10, position 11." |
59905 | Error parsing NaN value. Path '{0}', line {1}, position {2}. | 400 | Attempting to pass null for a property value, but using an invalid casing (such as NUL L or Null ). {0} = property name, {1} = line number, {2} = character position. e.g.: "Error parsing NaN value. Path 'tag', line 10, position 10." |
59906 | After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ;. Path '{0}', line {1}, position {2}. | 400 | Attempting to use a semicolon (;) where a comma (,) should be used. {0} = property name, {1} = line number, {2} = character position. e.g.: "After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ;. Path 'customerId', line 2, position 22." |
59949 | (Message varies) | 400 | A generic JSON parsing error occurred. See message for details. i.e. The JSON payload is not structured properly in some way. |
59950 | Unexpected end when deserializing object. Path '{0}', line {1}, position {2}. | 400 | Closing curly brace ("}") is missing in JSON payload. {0} = property name, {1} = line number, {2} = character position. e.g.: "Unexpected end when deserializing object. Path 'type', line 15, position 1." |
59951 | Error converting value "{0}" to type '{1}'. Path '', line {2}, position {3}. | 400 | Opening curly brace ("}") is missing in JSON payload. {0} = first property name in payload, {1} = (varies, ignore), {2} = line number, {3} = character position. e.g.: "Error converting value "customerId" to type 'CorePro.Business.Account'. Path '', line 2, position 15." |
59952 | Value for property '{0}' is not formatted as a valid ISO-8601 DateTime. Example value=2015-01-31T22:43:21.123+00:00 | 400 | The value for the property is not formatted as an ISO-8601 date. e.g.: "Value for property 'targetDate' is not formatted as a valid ISO-8601 DateTime. Example value=2015-01-31T22:43:21.123+00:00" |
59953 | Value for property '{0}' is not formatted as a valid boolean. Valid values=true,false | 400 | The value for the property is not formatted as a boolean value. e.g.: "Value for property 'isCloseable' is not formatted as a valid boolean. Valid values=true,false" |
59954 | Value for property '{0}' is not formatted as a valid decimal (precision up to 2). Example value=1234.56 | 400 | The value for the property is not formatted as a decimal value. e.g.: "Value for property 'targetAmount' is not formatted as a valid decimal (precision up to 2). Example value=1234.56" |
59955 | Value for property '{0}' is not formatted as a valid decimal (precision up to 11). Example value=1234.56789012345 | 400 | The value for the property is not formatted as a decimal value. e.g.: "Value for property 'interestRateMonthly' is not formatted as a valid decimal (precision up to 2). Example value=1234.56789012345" |
59956 | Value for property '{0}' is not acceptable. Specifics: {1} | 400 | The value for the property could not be cast properly. e.g.: "Value for property 'customerId' is not acceptable. Specifics: Input string '12548a' is not a valid integer. Path 'customerId', line 2, position 23." |
59957 | Missing a closing curly brace. Specifics: {0} | 400 | JSON payload is missing a closing curly brace. e.g.: "Missing a closing curly brace. Unexpected end when deserializing object. Path 'type', line 12, position 1." |
59958 | Missing an opening curly brace. Specifics: {0} | 400 | JSON payload is missing an opening closing curly brace. e.g.: "Missing an opening curly brace. Specifics: Error converting value "customerId" to type 'CorePro.Business.Account'. Path '', line 2, position 15." |
59999 | (Message varies) | 400 | A generic JSON deserialization error occurred. See message for details. i.e. The JSON payload is not structured properly in some way. |
60001 | Customer id {0} is invalid | 400 | Provide a valid customerId in the request |
60002 | Customer id {0} is inactive | 400 | An inactive customer cannot perform any actions in Helix. Redirect the user to a page informing them of this. |
60003 | Customer id {0} is not in a verified status | 400 | An unverified customer cannot perform any actions in Helix (except call /customer/verify). Redirect the user to a page informing them of this. |
60004 | Customer id {0} is locked | 400 | An locked customer cannot perform any actions in Helix. Redirect the user to a page informing them of this. |
60005 | Customer id {0} is marked as deceased | 400 | An deceased customer cannot perform any actions in Helix. Redirect the user to a page informing them of this. |