Unlock a card

Unlock a card. Can be reversed by calling /card/lock. The following matrix details when this call will succeed or fail.

Current lockTypeCodeCurrent lockReasonTypeCodeResult
CSTUNK - UknownSuccess
CSTDMG - Physical DamageSuccess
CSTTMP - TemporarySuccess
CSTADM - AdministrativeSuccess
CSTLST - LostFail - Lost cards can never be used again
CSTSTL - StolenFail - Stolen cards can never be used again
CSTFRD - Suspected FraudFail - Suspected Fraud cards can never be used again
SYSLST - LostFail - Lost cards can never be used again
SYSSTL - StolenFail - Stolen cards can never be used again
SYSFRD - Suspected FraudFail - Suspected Fraud cards can never be used again
SYSADM - AdministrativeFail - Only Admin Console or an automated process can unlock
SYSPIN - PIN Retry Limit ExceededFail - Only Admin Console or an automated process can unlock
SYSTMP - TemporaryFail - Only Admin Console or an automated process can unlock

The card will have a lockTypeCode of UNL upon successful completion of this call. The card will be unlocked and ready for transactions to take place.

Error Codes

Click to expand
CodeMessage (en-US)Notes
1-60000Any "Common Error Code" may occur.See Common Error Codes
150501Invalid CardId {0} or CustomerId {1}.
150502CardId {0} has been locked by an Administrator or an automated process.
150503CardId {0} has been marked as lost, stolen, or suspected fraudulent. Cannot unlock.
154101Invalid Card {0} or CustomerId {0} is not associated with the card.
154102Invalid Request
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