Create a temporary card limit

Allow temporary dollar limit increase requests (e.g., one-time large purchases, large ATM withdrawal) that are higher than standard program limits, but below program-defined limit group settings.


Use of this endpoint requires approval from Q2 and your bank partner.

Error Codes

Click to expand
CodeMessage (en-US)Notes
1-60000Any "Common Error Code" may occur.See Common Error Codes
52998CustomerId is not valid for this program
154101Invalid CardID '{0}' or CustomerId '{1}' is not associated with the card.
191304Configuration error. Please contact support
191305At least one of PurchaseLimit or WithdrawalLimit values must be provided
191306Comment is a required field
191307PurchaseLimit and WithdrawalLimit must be lower than the corresponding limit.bankCeiling and higher than the corresponding limit.programDefault. Use /card/limit/get to see these values
191312CardId {0} is not eligible for temporaryoverride.Business cards are not eligible for a temporary card limit override.
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