Lock an account

Lock an account. Most locks can be reversed by calling /account/unlock. Please check the /account/unlock documentation to see which lock scenarios can be subsequently unlocked.

Will apply a lockTypeCode of CST or SYS on success and the account will be locked, meaning no funds transfers can take place.

Error Codes

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CodeMessage (en-US)Notes
1-60000Any "Common Error Code" may occur.See Common Error Codes
61201Must specify a valid lockReasonTypeCode. Refer to API documentation for valid types
61202Customer id {0} has insufficient privileges to lock account id {1}.
61203Invalid Account Lock Type Code {0}. Valid values include CST and SYS.
61204Invalid Account Lock Reason Type Code {0}. Values include UNK, FRD, ADM, TMP, FRZ.
61205AccountId {0} is in a status of {1} and cannot be locked.
61206AccountId {0} has been locked by the System and cannot be unlocked by a customer.
61207Account Lock feature is disabled for program {0}. Cannot lock.
61208AccountId {0} has been marked as fraud investigation and cannot be changed by a customer.
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