Verify an external account

Verify trial deposit amounts that were sent via /externalAccount/initiate.

Note: In the sandbox environment these values are harcoded to 0.18 and 0.28 to allow for easy testing since no ACH files are actually generated.

Error Codes

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CodeMessage (en-US)Notes
1-60000Any "Common Error Code" may occur.See Common Error Codes
62201Invalid ExternalAccountId '{0}'.
62202External account is in a Locked status. Unable to verify.
62203External account is in a Denied status. Unable to verify.
62204External account has already been verified.
62205Verification period expired on '{0}'.
62206Maximum number of failed attempts exceeded. Verification has been locked.
62207Given amounts do not match what is on record. {0} attempt(s) remaining.
62301Another external account already exists with the nickname of '{0}'.
62515External account is locked and cannot be verified
62618requestingCustomerId '{request.requestingCustomerId}' does not have permission to manage external accounts for customerId '{request.customerId}'
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!